Biological Studies of Waters Along the Proposed Mackenzie Gas Project Pipeline Route - Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S. (54)
Licence Number: 14374
Organization: Environment Canada
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008 2007 2006
Issued: Jul 02, 2008
Project Team: Jonathan Keating (Environment Canada), Fortune Ogbebo (Environment Canada)

Objective(s): This study is designed to examine lakes possibly affected by the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project pipeline, and lakes that can serve as future control/reference sites.

Project Description: This license has been issued for the scientific research application #837. This study is designed to examine lakes possibly affected by the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project pipeline, and lakes that can serve as future control/reference sites. The researchers will measure the following: nutrients and metals in lake water and sediments, lake water quality (DO, pH, conductivity, etc.), and benthic invertebrate and plankton abundance/species composition. If Tuktoyaktuk agrees to provide lake trout from Husky and/or Sitidgi lakes, this will also be included in the study of chemical levels in fish. A float plane will be used to gain access to the lakes during July and August of 2008. Final reports will be available by contacting the researcher. Community members from Tuktoyaktuk will be hired to collect fish from Husky/Sitidgi Lakes. Fieldwork will be conducted from July 02 to December 31, 2008 at Kimialuk Lake, Big La... Show moreke, Parsons Lake, Yaya Lake, Jimmy Lake, Noell Lake, E. Hans Lake, W. Hans Lake, Old Trout Lake, Denis Lake, Grassy Lake, Pullen Lake, Mid Lake, Denis Lagoon, Wolf Lake, Trench Lake, Old Trout, Sitidgi Lake (limnology and fish), Husky Lakes, (limnology and fish), Unnamed Lake (N68.99222, W135.11003), Unnamed Lake (N69.22156, W135.03332), Unnamed Lake (N69.23916, W135.33007), and Unnamed Lake (N69.12153, W135.79249). Show less