Principal Investigator:Kuntz, Patricia A. Licensed Year(s):
The population that will be used for this study is nurses working in a hospital setting in the NWT. Participants will be asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire (1-1/2 pages) and return the completed questionnaire to the researcher. A letter will accompany the questionnaire, explaining the purpose of the study and nature of research to each participant....
Principal Investigator:Richardson, Denrick Licensed Year(s):
The study will follow an ethnographic or qualitative approach. An attempt will be made to interview a total of 100 people representing influential people in the communities....
Principal Investigator:Prystupa, Mark Licensed Year(s):
This study is to evaluate how the changing legislation, policy and procedures for water management provides for the sustainable utilisation of the resource. This will involve informal unstructured interviews as the primary data source. Queries will be directed to a description of the institutional arrangements, and the evaluation of criteria. An analysis of pertinent newspaper articles, governm...
Principal Investigator:Doyle, Marie Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will utilize three methods to gather data: interviews, document analysis, and a questionnaire. Interviews of staff and students at the Yellowknife campus are the centre piece of the planned research, while the questionnaires will be used principally to identify interview participants. Informed consent will be obtained through the use of consent forms....
Principal Investigator:Schuller, Paul Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will provide survey questionnaires to Principals of elementary schools to distribute to appropriate classrooms. The classroom teacher will conduct the survey with the class and then return the completed forms to the Principal for return to the investigator. Approximate time to complete the questionnaire is 30 minutes....
Principal Investigator:Morrow, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
Want to interview people to discuss their ideas of "North" and of the possibility and consequences of integrating indigenous and western knowledge systems. Also conducting some archival research in the Yellowknife library....
Principal Investigator:Wall, Denis Licensed Year(s):
The survey will collect data from students, administrators, teachers, Board members, and other school-based staff. Pilot surveys will be undertaken to test the surveys and to identify necessary changes. A randomly selected group of 30 principals will be asked to collect data on incidents of interpersonal conflict in which they have to intervene. No names will be attached to surveys or descripti...
Principal Investigator:Lamon, Martha Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will use quantitative research methods, utilizing a questionnaire that has been adapted from the Ontario First Nations AIDS and Healthy Lifestyle Survey (1993) with their permission. Using "quota sampling", the researcher plans to sample survey 60 women, youths and inmates and as many drug users as possible from Northern Addictions Services....
Principal Investigator:Schwert, Donald P. Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The sample of arctic-alpine ground-beetles will be collected under rocks and by pitfall traps (dixie cups placed in 8 cm diameter drilled holes) in the tundra habitat. All rocks will be replaced exactly and pitfall trap holes refilled with their soil plugs. No chemicals will be used in any of the trapping or collecting. Specimens will be analysed using DNA techniques which include RLPF's and PC...
Principal Investigator:Chisholm-Smith, Alexandra Licensed Year(s):
The researcher, as part of a wider study on healing, will use a participatory research method to gain insight into the issue of incarcerated women in the NWT. Interviews will take place with women presently incarcerated in the North as well as with those directly involved (healers, correctional officers, government and interest groups)....