Principal Investigator:Rich, Rebecca Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
To develop a set of contextually appropriate health system performance indicators for maternity care in circumpolar regions. Specific attention will be placed on indicators that reflect the responsiveness of the health system to the needs of the population.
This study will be conducted in two phases. First, a scoping review (broad literature review) of available performance/quality indicator...
Principal Investigator:Young, Kue Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
To assess the views of health care providers and managers in the Northwest Territories (NWT) regarding primary health care in the community in general and issues related to medical travel in particular.
A survey questionnaire will be filled out by the respondent, who has a choice of mailing in a paper copy or completing online. The survey is anonymous – information on name, community of residen...
Principal Investigator:Johnson, Noor Licensed Year(s):
The Principal Investigator (PI) will examine how different people involved in energy development decision-making, including residents, environmental organizations, government, land claims organizations, and corporations, perceive the risks and possible benefits of different energy options. In particular, it will focus on the role of different sources of knowledge (science, Inuit knowledge) and ho...
Principal Investigator:MacDonell, Hillary J. Licensed Year(s):
To examine community adaptation readiness in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), Northwest Territories in order to identify trends in the adaptive readiness of communities in the ISR and provide recommendations to local and regional governments concerning existing gaps or barriers that may be hindering community readiness.
The Principal Investigator will conduct informal phone interviews wi...
Principal Investigator:Farmer, Drew Licensed Year(s):
By developing recommendations aimed at closing gaps it is expected that there will be improvements in employee morale, recruitment and retention, and organizational efficiency that will positively impact corporate profitability.
The primary research will consist of employee surveys and interviews that will seek to 1) validate the findings of the Organizational Cultural Inventory; 2) determine t...
Principal Investigator:Davidson, Adrienne Licensed Year(s):
The successful development of energy and natural resource projects in the north is not simply a matter of a suitable economic climate and support from federal or territorial/state government. Rather, the arctic and sub-arctic regions of Canada and the United States are governed by a complex system of institutions at the local, territorial, and international level. This research, investigates the d...
Principal Investigator:Cameron, Christine Licensed Year(s):
20142013 Summary:
This study attempts to resolve an apparent contradiction between increasing levels of childhood obesity in the Canadian population and parental reports of high levels of physical activity by their children.
This survey and participant recruitment is one part of a project to determine the validity of parental reports on the physical activity levels of children and young adults between 5 and 19 ...
Principal Investigator:Demers, Alain Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to assess the impact of an awareness campaign on knowledge and practices related to antibiotic use and resistance through online surveying of the general public and physicians.
The intent of the research is to assess awareness, knowledge and behaviours of target audiences for a pilot antibiotic resistance awareness campaign, in order to better equip the Government...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. compare previous research findings to measure changes in awareness and responses to older adult abuse;
2. gauge the impact of measures taken since the completion of 2010 research including the formation of networks, partnerships, training sessions, community events, and information campaigns; and,
3. consider next steps for preventing older adu...
Principal Investigator:Cooke, Lani Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
The objectives of this two year project are to understand the needs of Northwest Territories (NWT) women who have experienced sexual assaults; to develop a protocol among NWT service providers to better respond to sexual violence against women; and, to develop an NWT pilot project that provides services, possibly located at two shelters, incorporating the knowledge of northern women, service provi...