9 record(s) found in the location "South Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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The export of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon from boreal terrestrial ecosystems to the Arctic Ocean and its vulnerability to environmental change
Principal Investigator: Fichot, Cedric
Licensed Year(s): 2024 2023 2022
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5897. The primary objective of this funded project is to develop a sophisticated model that can simulate the mobilization, transport, transformations, and export of tDOC from the Mackenzie River watershed to the Arctic Ocean. The model will be used to simulate the transfer of tDOC during the past two decades and for plausi...

Big river wood dynamics in the Canadian subarctic
Principal Investigator: Anderson, Natalie K
Licensed Year(s): 2014 2013 2012
Summary: The Research team proposes to examine the sources of wood within the Mackenzie River drainage, transport of wood toward the Arctic Ocean, and the potential implications of global warming for wood recruitment and transport. The primary objectives are to (i) evaluate fundamental controls on wood dynamics within the Mackenzie and (ii) develop an empirical predictive model to estimate future wood dyna...

Post-fire forest regeneration in the Western Canadian continental boreal forest: measurement and landscape modeling
Principal Investigator: Gal, Ruth A.C.
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The objective of this study is to develop a landscape model capable of predicting regeneration after fire in the Northern Boreal Forest. Data has been collected in the past from Porter Lake (near Lutsel K'e), Big Fish Lake, Alberta, and Wood Buffalo National Park, between Pine Lake and Peace Point. Data has also been collected from the International Crown Fire Modeling Experiment near Fort Pro...

Hay River Ice Jam Study
Principal Investigator: Hicks, Faye E
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Summary: The objective of the study is to develop new and updated ice jam flood forecasting models for the Town of Hay River. Researchers will observe the daily progression of river ice breakup from small aircraft (going along with the Town Flood Watch Committee...

Reconstruction of Forest Structure and function in Canadian Taiga
Principal Investigator: Osawa, Akira
Licensed Year(s): 1998 1997
Summary: The research team will consist of forest ecologists. We plan to study a few jack pine stands by taking stem samples for examination of forest growth that occurred in the past. A possible effect of climate change on the growth of forests are being examined. Several trees were cut and were analyzed last year. This summer several additional stems will be sampled. When a tree is cut, we try not to dis...

A Fire History, Fuel and Ecological Assessments of the Fort Smith, NWT area
Principal Investigator: Brungs Simard, Hanita
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: The study area will be sampled on a 2x2 km grid as the vegetation type of the area in question is predominantly jack pine. At each 2 km interval 3 procedures are done: 1) plant identification and % cover of each species in approx. 100 m. sq., 2) tally of the fuels (logs, twigs, branches) that fall along a triangular transect, 3) discs are removed from one large unscarred tree and one scarred tree...

Northern River Basins Study Traditional Knowledge Documentation Project
Principal Investigator: Bill, Lea
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The primary focus of this study will be on the older population (65 years and older). Data on traditional knowledge will be collected by interviews, survey questionnaire, and audio and video taping. Information gathered will be used to document the history of traditional ecological knowledge and to demonstrate the value of traditional ecological knowledge in scientific research and in predictions ...

Modelling the establishment and growth of post-fire tree seedlings
Principal Investigator: Gal, Ruth Ann
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: As a result of global warming (which results from increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere), it is suggested that the number of forest fires and the amount of area burned may increase in the northern boreal forests. The types of trees that grow first in these burned areas may be different from those that would have grown in if the climate was cooler. I will collect data at burn site...

Licence #2264
Principal Investigator: Gill, Don
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: To conduct a comprehensive land and resource use study of the Slave River Delta to assist in predicting potential damage to wetland habitats....