Principal Investigator:Gal, Ruth A.C. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to develop a landscape model capable of predicting regeneration after fire in the Northern Boreal Forest.
Data has been collected in the past from Porter Lake (near Lutsel K'e), Big Fish Lake, Alberta, and Wood Buffalo National Park, between Pine Lake and Peace Point. Data has also been collected from the International Crown Fire Modeling Experiment near Fort Pro...
Principal Investigator:Zalatan, Rebecca Licensed Year(s):
Caribou populations fluctuate over long time spans. However, long-term records of population cycles are scarce. Dendrochronology and hoof scars left on the surficial roots of spruce trees across caribou trails will be used to reconstruct the population...
Principal Investigator:Stone, Michael Licensed Year(s):
Currently, there is no information about the bioavailability and toxicity of metals in the Slave River delta. The goal of this research is to examine metal cycling pathways in the delta and to assess the role of aquatic vegetation for metal accumulation...
Principal Investigator:Martel, Edith Licensed Year(s):
The mapping team (5-6 researchers) will be flown out by floatplane from Yellowknife in early June and a camp will be established. Island campsites are preferred as a deterrent against bear encounters. With the aid of zodiac-style inflatable boats, the re...
Principal Investigator:MacNeil, Alex Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The purpose of this study (2003 component) is to examine the fossilized types of corals that are found in the regional geological formations. Locally these corals coalesced to form mini-reefs, with interesting ecological characteristics. From the study...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be based in Ft. Resolution. Transportation includes aircraft from Toronto to Edmonton to Hay River. Transportation in the field will be by truck and boat. The research team will operate from a base camp previously established on Steamboat Channel (a camp we originally established in 1977 when this work originally started). Water level recorders will be established at six sit...
Principal Investigator:McIntosh, George Licensed Year(s):
This research involves how groups of marine invertebrate fossils, crinoids evolved over a 6 million year interval designated as the Frasnian Stage. The researcher will study the rock exposures along the Mackenzie Highway between Hay River/Enterprise and Fort Simpson. The fossils to be collected rarely exceed 3 cm and collecting will be restricted to weathered surfaces composed of loose material. ...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
19961995 Summary:
The field crew will live on the delta for approximately 8-9 weeks at a site established by the principal investigator in 1997 on Steamboat Channel. Transportation will be by boat. Three channels will be studied in detail. At each study site the researchers will measure the speed of the flow using an electronic velocity meter, measure the cross sectional profile of the channel with tape and rod ...
Principal Investigator:Osawa, Akira Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of the proposed research is to reconstruct the structure of monospecific forests of different ages, and to explore whether or not the recent climate change has affected the structure of the forests in northern Canada. Pure stands of Jack pine or aspen will be studied in Wood Buffalo National Park. The intent is to determine the effect of the so-called Climate Change on those f...
Principal Investigator:Eaton, David Licensed Year(s):
1996 Summary:
The goal of this study is to use advanced passive telesiesmic equipment to map the geological feature known as the Great Slave Lake shear zone. The planned geophysical survey will use between 9 and 15 instrument sites spaced 10 km apart and situated close to Hwy 5 between Hay River and the northern part of Wood Buffalo National Park. Each site will consist of solar panels, a buried seismometer, an...