Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):201820172016201520142012
2009200820072006200520042003 Summary:
Permafrost landforms are shrinking in response to climate warming. The researchers want to measure the amount of change each year and to measure the temperature of the permafrost year-round. In addition they want to measure the rate of plant recovery on disturbed areas resulting from the CANOL Project (1942-45).
Access during the summer is via the Yukon along the Canol Road through Macmillan ...
Principal Investigator:Nichol, Susan L. Licensed Year(s):
The objective is to improve knowledge about landslides in the Mackenzie Valley. The results of this study will enable better environmental impact assessments and help to reduce environmental impacts related to the construction and operation of the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline. As well, the results will have a broader application to a wide range of future development activities in the region....
Principal Investigator:Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra ADR Licensed Year(s):
This project aims to obtain a better understanding of the sensitivity of slopes to disturbance from development, especially in the context of progressive climate warming. It will also identify baseline levels for natural and anthropogenic contaminants,...
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):20022001
1999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The main objectives of this study are to: 1. determine the status of permafrost land forms in the study area, and 2. determine the long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No.1 project. Access during the summer is via the Yukon along the Canol Road through Macmillan Pass. Base camp is owned by Old Squaw Lodge at Camp 222. Beyond the base camp mountain bikes and foot will be the means ...
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):2000199919981997
19951994199319921990 Summary:
Access to the site will be along existing seismic lines from Tulita. Transport will involve helicopter, boat, ATV and foot. The research is planned to see what happens after the fire to the permafrost, soils, plants and animals. An unburned site will be monitored to provide comparison with the burned area. Many studies will be done, including measurements of air and soil temperatures, wind spe...
Principal Investigator:Gnieser, Christopher H. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will study about 20 sites along the outlined winter road for assessment of potential terrain disturbances....