4 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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2006 Winter Field Geotechnical Investigation Program in the Sahtu Settlement Area - Tulita District
Principal Investigator: Hawkins, Jim R.
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2006
Summary: A field office will be set up in Norman Wells. Primary access to the field is the winter road that extends north of Wrigley to Fort Good Hope. Two temporary rig camps will be set up, one near the Hamlet of Tulita and the other near the intersection of of the existing winter road and Little Smith Creek. Each camp will be able to accommodate up to 65 people. Secondary access to the investigation s...

2003 Field Reconnaissance - Sahtu Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Graburn, Larry
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003
Summary: The objective of this field reconnaissance program is to conduct preliminary site investigations of potential barge sites, camp sites, stockpile sites, compressor locations, watercourse crossings, water sources for ice road construction and potential cam...

2003 Route and Site Selection in the Sahtu Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Povey, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 2005 2004 2003 2002
Summary: This project will involve several helicopter flights for the purposes of pipeline routing, site selection and geotechnical observation within the Sahtu Settlement Area. During the flights, locations of important land features will be confirmed by Global...

Geology and Mineral Occurrences of the Ravens Throat Area, Mackenzie Mountains, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Colpron, Maurice
Licensed Year(s): 1997
Summary: The project will be conducted from 10-12 tent fly-camps within the study area. Each camp will be set-out by helicopter (out of Norman Wells) and will be of a duration of approximately 5-7 days. Our work will consist of daily hikes from our camps, during which our observations of the rock types and mineral occurrences will be noted on 1:50,000-scale topographic maps and air photos. Data collectio...