Principal Investigator:Millman, Peter M Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
The objective of the program is to observe surface geological features and document these observations. From a geological perspective the objective of the project is to complete a reconnaissance of the Cambrian and Proterozoic sections in 4 areas.
Field operations will take approximately 6 days to complete. The project team will mobilize by helicopter daily from Norman Wells for the western...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Adrienne Licensed Year(s):2007
2005 Summary:
The Peel Plateau and Plain is a region of under-explored hydrocarbon potential. Bedrock mapping and exploration drilling was done in the 1960s. The objective of this project is to improve knowledge of regional geology, including stratigraphy; correlation, depositional and tectonic histories; basin evolution; and petroleum geology and potential. Reconnaissance work will be conducted in the Peel Pla...
Principal Investigator:Pope, Michael Licensed Year(s):
20022001 Summary:
The Early Cambrian is an important time in Earth history for it records the widespread radiation of animals during significant climatic, sea level, and tectonic changes. This project will be a stratigraphic, geochemical, and paleontological study of high...
Principal Investigator:Colpron, Maurice Licensed Year(s):
The project will be conducted from 10-12 tent fly-camps within the study area. Each camp will be set-out by helicopter (out of Norman Wells) and will be of a duration of approximately 5-7 days. Our work will consist of daily hikes from our camps, during which our observations of the rock types and mineral occurrences will be noted on 1:50,000-scale topographic maps and air photos. Data collectio...
Principal Investigator:Long, Darrel G.F. Licensed Year(s):
During the summer of 1997, the researchers will visit several cliff exposures of sandstone in the Mackenzie Mountains in the Carcajou Canyon (NTS 96D) and Wrigley Lake (NTS 95M) map areas, south of Norman Wells and west of Tulita, in order to obtain information on the shape of structures preserved in sandstones deposited by ancient rivers. By determining the geometry of these sandstone bodies it ...
Principal Investigator:Wielens, Hans Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will look at several outcropping rock formations that are accessible in the NWT. The potential for hydrocarbon generation and storage of these rocks will be the main focus of the work....
Principal Investigator:Lenz, Alfred C. Licensed Year(s):
To collect rocks and fossils from surface outcroppings for further laboratory analysis....