Principal Investigator:Grabke, Dan Licensed Year(s):
In 1999, the Northwest Territories Power Corporation was awarded a 25 year water licence to operate its three hydroelectric plants on the Snare River. Conditions of this water licence included that two studies be done by the Corporation. The first study is an assessment addressing the removal of minimum flow requirements on two of the dams. This study will include a current assessment of fish a...
Principal Investigator:Madsen, Eric Licensed Year(s):2001
This research will monitor and evaluate the potential environmental effects from the construction and operation of a diamond mine. The activities planned for 2000 include: water sampling in Lac de Gras and east island streams and lakes, fish-out study on inland lakes, radio-tagging of lake trout in Lac de Gras, tissue sampling of Slimy Sculpin in Lac de Gras, benthic invertebrate sampling and lake...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):2001
This program is a detailed assessment of the created/enhanced habitat at Frank Channel, based on fish use and function in comparison with habitat design targets. Habitat monitoring will require seasonal assessments within the open water period at times associated with the targeted fish's life stages (Northern Pike). During early spring, mid summer and late summer, Frank Channel habitat will be m...
Principal Investigator:Nevitt, Zabey Licensed Year(s):
1998 Summary:
For many years the Dogrib have trapped and fished in and around the Marian River. There are concerns that contaminants are entering the river system. some of the concerns include: effects on health from eating fish and effects on health from drinking water. Field collection will take place over 2 days. The team will travel by canoe from Rae. Ten fish will be caught by members of the community fro...
Principal Investigator:Bryant, Wayne Licensed Year(s):
The Gazelle environmental baseline study will include specific investigations on water/sediment quality, lake bathymetry, limnology, catchment hydrology, fisheries and fish habitat assessment. Field data collection and observations will take about two to three days. Field staff of 3 will be transported by air to Ekati from Yellowknife. From Ekati, helicopter transport will be used to drop off the...
Principal Investigator:Schryer, Rick P. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of these studies is to determine the presence or absence of fish and wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project area. A literature search for registered archeological sites within the proposed project area is also planned. A literature review will be done to document any existing information on fish populations in the region. A preliminary survey of physical, chemical and biolo...
Principal Investigator:Puznicki, Wayne Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to assess the concentration of mercury in fish, water and sediment in Bluefish and Duncan Lakes; to provide information to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation to make decisions relating to the use of fish and water from these lakes; and to correlate traditional knowledge with scientific data. Bluefish & Duncan Lakes are about 50 km to the northeast of Yellowknife. Tr...
Principal Investigator:Kalich, Laura Licensed Year(s):
The work will include seven aspects of research. Water quality will be done through a number of sampling locations at different times of the year. A hydrology study will measure high water discharge and stage measurements at seven streams in the vicinity of the proposed all-weather road. Bathymetric surveys will conducted on lex lake and six smaller un-named lakes in the vicinity of the propos...
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):
1995 Summary:
Methods of data collection will include water quality and bottom sampling in Lac de Gras and Lac du Sauvage; automatic and manual water level recordings; bathometric work; automatic weather stations and the monitoring of air-borne particles and visibility; continuation of baseline studies of soils and terrain, and vegetation; fish population, habitat, health, and spawning habits studies; baseline ...
Principal Investigator:Prystupa, Mark Licensed Year(s):
This study is to evaluate how the changing legislation, policy and procedures for water management provides for the sustainable utilisation of the resource. This will involve informal unstructured interviews as the primary data source. Queries will be directed to a description of the institutional arrangements, and the evaluation of criteria. An analysis of pertinent newspaper articles, governm...