Principal Investigator:Normandeau, Philippe X. Licensed Year(s):
2020 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4992.
Surficial geology mapping and glacial history reconstruction play a crucial role in the understanding of Northern Canada. Not only are they essential to drift prospecting, a vital component of the northern mineral exploration, but they also support infrastructure development, help characterize terrain sensitivity and ...
Principal Investigator:Knox, Bernadette Licensed Year(s):
20202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4942.
The objectives of this project are to update and increase the understanding of the geological history of this area of the north-central Slave craton, Northwest Territories.
This work will be conducted mostly by foot with access along the water provided by canoe and zodiac boat. We will be walking the land to make g...
Principal Investigator:Coyle, Maurice Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4682.
The objective of this airborne survey is to acquire high-resolution aeromagnetic data. This survey will be flown to improve the knowledge of the area. It will support potential future ground-based geological mapping and provide basic information to support land use planning and mineral exploration.
An aeromagnetic ...
Principal Investigator:Hopkinson, Chris Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
Collect airborne laser scanning data over biomass plots over NWT. Specifically to develop biomass and forest resource models for GNWT multi source inventory, and to assess how the resource is changing through time and in space due to climate and fire influences.
Airborne laser data coverage is calibrated by field plot data (most provided by GNWT) and models are created which are then upscaled t...
Principal Investigator:Becker, Matilda L Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The goal of this project is to examine how the burgeoning use of digital technologies (Online Map Staking) and data (Geological data sharing) might have a cumulative impact on people’s land-based legal rights.
This research is qualitative and will involve direct interaction with members of the scientific, indigenous, non-indigenous and government/non-governmental community based in Yellowknife...
Principal Investigator:Ootes, Luke Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
The goal of this research is to study select bedrock exposures of sedimentary rocks and determine their age and provenance (source). This is completed by walking and looking/documenting rocks (mapping) and in some places collecting fist-sized rocks samples with a small hammer. These samples are processed at the University of Alberta.
To test the hypothesis, a combination of field observations b...
Principal Investigator:Corlett, Hilary J. Licensed Year(s):
This licence is issued for the scientific research application #441.
The objective of this field work is to measure and map the Lonely Bay Formation and Chinchaga Formation in outcrop. This information will then be used to interpret vertical and lateral relationships between the two formations seen in drill cores.
The research will consist of examining 6 outcrops (4 road accessible and 2 ac...
Principal Investigator:Jackson, Valerie A Licensed Year(s):
2006200520042003 Summary:
The project is aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the bedrock geology and mineral potential of the South Bear area.
Southern Bear project area is in the Bear Structural Province of the Northwest Territories centred approximately 240 km north-northwest of Yellowknife. Geological data on the area is sparse and limited to 1:250 000 regional mapping by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC...
Principal Investigator:De Pascale, Greg P Licensed Year(s):
Sand, gravel and crushed stone are valuable geological resources, collectively known as aggregates. They are essential bed, foundation and building materials. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in a series of resource management problems, particularly for the oil industry and its contractors who rely on local granular deposits as building material. From an environmental pers...
Principal Investigator:Buse, Sarah Licensed Year(s):
This research is for an M.Sc. project focused on defining the granites within the Wecho River area and is in conjunction with the Wecho River Mapping Project (Scientific Licence #13614). Mapping will be conducted throughout the summer. Mapping data will...