Principal Investigator:Millman, Peter M Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
The objective of the program is to observe surface geological features and document these observations. From a geological perspective the objective of the project is to complete a reconnaissance of the Cambrian and Proterozoic sections in 4 areas.
Field operations will take approximately 6 days to complete. The project team will mobilize by helicopter daily from Norman Wells for the western...
Principal Investigator:Snyder, David B Licensed Year(s):
200320001999 Summary:
The objective of this ongoing study is to investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and mantle to depths of 0-300 km from sites in the Lac de Gras region. The researchers seek methods to characterize diamond reservoirs in order to make diamond exploration more efficient and low impact. This research will lead to improved mineral exploration strategies, improved estimates of d...
Principal Investigator:Hoos, Rick Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the single site visit in 2007 are as follows: (1) to re-install instruments at the 4 existing hydrostations, so that data will be recorded automatically during the summer season; Tyhee personnel will remove the instruments (a datalogger and pressure transducer for each station location) at the end of the season, before freezeup; (2) download data from the existing weather station...
Principal Investigator:Jackson, Valerie A Licensed Year(s):
2006200520042003 Summary:
The project is aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the bedrock geology and mineral potential of the South Bear area.
Southern Bear project area is in the Bear Structural Province of the Northwest Territories centred approximately 240 km north-northwest of Yellowknife. Geological data on the area is sparse and limited to 1:250 000 regional mapping by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC...
Principal Investigator:Standafer-Pfister, Shirley Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
The objectives of the hydrological program are to collect and store creek-discharge data in conjunction with creek-stage elevations in order to increase the accuracy of the stage-discharge relationship and prepare a time history of flow. The objectives of the meteorological program are to install instrumentation to collect site-specific meteorological data and to begin a site monitoring program.
Principal Investigator:Wrye, Lori A Licensed Year(s):
The aim of this research project is to examine the speciation of arsenic in soils around the Giant Mine, and to distinguish if the arsenic is of natural or anthropogenic sources. Soils in the study area are naturally enriched in arsenic as well as from the mining of gold. The results will help understand how much of the arsenic is the result of human impact, how bioavailable it is, and how it move...
Principal Investigator:Hamm, Sharleen Licensed Year(s):2007
Exploration efforts at the Damoti Lake property (concentrating on the Horseshoe Zone) are intended to improve gold-bearing ore estimates at the site. As part of the pre-feasibility work, alternatives for tailings disposal will be studied, including depositing tailings into natural water bodies (Lardass Lake, Unnamed Lake, Pond 1 and 2), and/or using land-based methods, such as thickened tailings a...
Principal Investigator:Vogel, Sharon C Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the study is to characterize environmental conditions in the project area and supplement existing environmental information to determine if mine effluent is affecting aquatic organisms. Fisheries resources will be sampled in areas that historically or presently receive mine effluent, and in reference areas not exposed to mine effluent for comparative purposes. Water quality, fish, a...
Principal Investigator:De Pascale, Greg P Licensed Year(s):
Sand, gravel and crushed stone are valuable geological resources, collectively known as aggregates. They are essential bed, foundation and building materials. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in a series of resource management problems, particularly for the oil industry and its contractors who rely on local granular deposits as building material. From an environmental pers...
Principal Investigator:Karunaratne, Kumari C Licensed Year(s):
20042003 Summary:
The objective of this project is to determine the effect of Great Slave Lake on air and surface temperatures, and permafrost conditions. Each of the study sites along the Ingram Trail that were instrumented with air and surface temperature sensors during summer 2003 will be revisited in 2005. The data loggers will be downloaded, relaunched and the batteries will be replaced at each instrumentati...