Hydrometric Survey and Meteorological Station Installation and Monitoring - Matthews Creek, NT

Regions: North Slave Region, South Slave Region

Tags: physical sciences, hydrology, meteorology

Principal Investigator: Standafer-Pfister, Shirley (1)
Licence Number: 14145
Organization: EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Issued: Apr 17, 2007
Project Team: Bob Draho (Field Supervisor and Scientist, EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.-Vancouver), , , Jamie Stirling (Alternate Field Supervisor and Scientist, EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.-Vancouver)

Objective(s): The objectives of the hydrological program are to collect and store creek-discharge data in conjunction with creek-stage elevations in order to increase the accuracy of the stage-discharge relationship and prepare a time history of flow. The objectives of the meteorological program are to install instrumentation to collect site-specific meteorological data and to begin a site monitoring program.

Project Description: The objectives of the hydrological program are to collect and store creek-discharge data in conjunction with creek-stage elevations in order to increase the accuracy of the stage-discharge relationship and prepare a time history of flow. The objectives of the meteorological program are to install instrumentation to collect site-specific meteorological data and to begin a site monitoring program. The researchers plan to make 3 visits in the 2007summer season. Aircraft (wheeled and float plane) will be used to bring a 2-person team and equipment to site. In addition, it is planned to haul cement for the weather-station base and anchoring via a spur trail from the main Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road during the previous winter-road season. Hydrometric monitoring equipment will be re-installed on the site bridge during the first 2-day event, which will occur after spring thaw (likely in June 2007); data collection will commence during this event. A second event will occur in mid-summer (likely in July 2007). The hydrometric survey will occur over approx. 2 days. In addition, the meteorological tower and instruments to measure wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, incident solar radiation and precipitation will be installed by the 2-person team over approx. 10 days; monitoring will commence during this event. A final 2-day event will occur prior to freeze-up (likely between mid-September and early October 2007). During this final event of the season, further hydrometric data will be collected and the hydrology station removed. The meteorological station will be checked and data downloaded. A further site visit is recommended in January 2008 in order to change the meteorological station's memory module and download data for the 2007 report; this checkup visit will take only about 10-15 minutes, and could be carried out by any Seabridge personnel on site. Letters of information will be sent to all parties on the ARI distribution list as a way of providing information, soliciting comment and soliciting applicants for the short-term work. A letter containing a summary of the program activities will be provided to the community organizations after the field season. After the two program reports have been written, a 1-page final summary report will be provided; a complete final report will be provided to interested parties. Fieldwork will be conducted from May 25 to November 30, 2007 at/near 64° 06' 10.06" N. 111° 15' 32.8" W at the Matthews Creek Project Site, between Courageous Lake and Matthews Lake.