245 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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The Snare River Mapping Project: parts of NTS 85O and 85N
Principal Investigator: Jackson, Valerie A
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001 2000
Summary: The Snare River mapping project will define the structural, metamorphic, lithographical and geochemical bedrock characteristics of the area, providing an up-dated geological data base. The mapping team will be flown out by float plane from Yellowknife in...

Active layer growth and groundwater chemistry, Daring Lake, NWT
Principal Investigator: English, Michael C
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001 2000
Summary: The crew will fly from Yellowknife to the Tundra Ecosystem Research Station camp on Daring Lake from BHP (Ekati Mine) by helicopter. The research team itinerary consists of: (1) setting up the camp; (2) sampling all of the major streams flowing into Daring Lake for chemistry and instantaneous flow; (3) walking through several basins to decide on an intensive sampling site; and (4) installing dri...

Structural Geology of the Jackson Lake Formation.
Principal Investigator: Martel, Edith
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will be transported from Yellowknife by aircraft, and will travel by small boat in the field. Samples (fist-sized chunks of rock) will be collected with a hammer, and returned to the laboratory for detailed physical and chemical analysis. Field camps will be low impact, and will be occupied by only 2 persons at a time. All human waste will be buried, all non-burnable garbage w...

Hydrologic investigation of a Canadian Shield basin
Principal Investigator: Spence, Chris
Licensed Year(s): 2001 1999 1998
Summary: Lower Carp Lake is part of the Yellowknife River and is roughly 22km in size. A number of remote meteorological and hydrometric data collection sites will be constructed around the lake. An island on the lake will be used as a base camp for the research activities. This island is roughly circular rising up to 50m from the lakeshore. A portion of the island is dominated by sandy glacial deposits. M...

Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road Summer 2001 Field Program - Terrestrial Resources
Principal Investigator: Hoos, Richard
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: Based on the Project Description Report and ongoing discussions with BHP on behalf of the Winter Road Joint Venture, the following study components will be completed during the 2001 summer field season: (1) Spring Engineering/Environmental Reconnaissance Survey. The research team will record observations on the "condition" of each of the portages. Particular attention will be directed to areas of...

Alteration Study of the Giant Mine, Yellowknife
Principal Investigator: Hubbard, Laura
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will be based out of Yellowknife, and travel to the Giant Mine site by motor vehicle. Detailed geological mapping will occur to enable the research team to understand the alteration and associated mineralization within the mine camp. Sampling of various rock types (ore, mineralized and un-mineralized) will be conducted with a hammer, with specimens collected ranging from 10-20 ...

Structural Geology and Timing of Gold Mineralization in the Giant and Con Gold Deposits, Yellowknife, Canada
Principal Investigator: Siddorn, James
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: All research to be conducted, either underground or on the surface, will be carried out at the Giant and Con mine sites in Yellowknife. Data on the origination of structural features (faults, foliations, folds, ect.) will be measured with a compass clinometer. Samples (< 10cm in diameter) will be taken of certain rock types which display interesting small scale structures....

Surficial Geology and Till Geochemistry of the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt Area.
Principal Investigator: Kerr, Daniel E.
Licensed Year(s): 2001 2000 1999
Summary: The primary objective is to provide geoscience data and new exploration techniques in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt area that can be used in delineation of reserves and discovery of new mineral deposits. The main mode of transportation will be by helicopter (206L), float plane, truck (where road access is available), and possibly by boat. The helicopter and plane will be based out of Yellowkni...

Baseline Limnology Program, Kennady Lake 2001 Environmental Program
Principal Investigator: Lawson, Nick
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The objectives of the research team are to collect baseline environmental information on the DeBeers Canada Exploration Ltd. project at Kennady Lake, to assist with the current environmental management of the property and prepare for an assessment of the environmental effects of potential future development of the site. Three field visits to Kennady Lake will be completed during the summer of 200...

Water Balance Studies in the Coppermine River Basin: The Chain of Lakes Effect in Space and Time.
Principal Investigator: Maric, Robert
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will be based out of Yellowknife. Travel to the Ekati Mine site will be by helicopter; travel on site will be on foot. The research team will be in the field for approximately seven days. Characterization of the hydrologic balance of the system under investigation will be completed by the collection of several hundred water samples (each with an approximate volume of 30 ml) at d...