Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road Summer 2001 Field Program - Terrestrial Resources

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: physical sciences, winter road, transportation, infrastructure

Principal Investigator: Hoos, Richard (1)
Licence Number: 13220
Organization: EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Issued: Jul 11, 2001
Project Team: Don Haley, Brent Murphy, Ed Hoeve, John Clark,Richard Sims, Steve Moore, Jeff Matheson, Ron Jakimchuk, Ian Ross,Vivian Banci, Jean Bussey

Objective(s): The Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter road is a vital transportation link for the delivery of bulk consumables and equipment to mines and exploration activities in the Slave Geologic Province. The current Licence of Occupation for the winter road expires in April 2003 and requires renewal. To ensure the ongoing operation of the road, the Winter Road Joint Venture (JV), which manages the road, is presently completing preparation of a Project Description Report and associated land use and water licence applications to fulfill regulatory requirements. The Project Description Report identifies a number of subject areas where existing field baseline information is limited or insufficient for effective project planning and future environmental management of forecast traffic load increases and other proposed changes. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. (EBA) has been requested to prepare the following Terrestrial Resources workplan to address the key information deficiencies needed to support effective planning, assessment and implementation of proposed changes to the winter road.

Project Description: Based on the Project Description Report and ongoing discussions with BHP on behalf of the Winter Road Joint Venture, the following study components will be completed during the 2001 summer field season: (1) Spring Engineering/Environmental Reconnaissance Survey. The research team will record observations on the "condition" of each of the portages. Particular attention will be directed to areas of erosion, rutting and gouging of terrain and other terrain disturbances caused by commercial and public users of the winter road; (2) Airborne Digital Imagery, GPS and Laser Altimeter Data Collection Survey. The research team will acquire and accurately prepare/present spatially referenced baseline information and base-map materials that can be used as the foundation for engineering purposes and environmental assessment regulatory requirements (should the latter be required); (3) Archaeological Investigations. The research team will carry out these studies to determine past impacts that may have occurred on archaeological resources, record archaeological sites in the vicinity of the road and identify protective measures which need to be implemented; (4) Ecological Land Classification and Wildlife Habitat Surveys. The research team will complete these studies, and generate a detailed inventory of ecosystem units, vegetation and terrain, and wildlife habitat conditions in the immediate proximity of the winter road; and (5) Camp Survey and Environmental Assessment. The research team will identify any potential camps sites, and assess the environmental conditions at these sites. During field studies, the team members will be based out of the Lockhart camp. Travel in the field will be on foot and by helicopter.