Principal Investigator:Scott, Shannon D Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge needs and preferences of healthcare providers working in general emergency departments (EDs) through an established partnership with 34 general EDs across Canada. The individual interviews, focus groups, and structured participant observation will be conducted in up to 10 of these general EDs.
For the needs assessment phase of this initia...
Principal Investigator:Edge, Lois E. Licensed Year(s):
20082007 Summary:
Objectives of this research include (a) share experience as Visiting Researcher to the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, to study a pair of moccasins made by the researcher’s grandmother, Mrs. Joanne Edge, at her home in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories in 1942 (completed); (b) facilitate a beading circle with urban Aboriginal women in Edmonton, Alberta to document the contribution of bea...
Principal Investigator:Chouinard, Rebecca R Licensed Year(s):
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #875.
This research aims to define a recognized model for transferring technical knowledge related to mining operations to communities and resource managers in an un-biased manner that speaks to the needs and values of the community. If successful, this knowledge-transfer model will aid in negotiations, regulatory reviews, and...
Principal Investigator:Schryer, Rick Schryer Licensed Year(s):2009
The objective of this research is to conduct Traditional Land Use (TLU) and Traditional Knowledge (TK) studies in Behchoko, Whati, Gameti, Wekweeti, and Yellowknife with representatives from the Dogrib and the Métis. These studies will be part of obtaining permits to operate a mine at that location.
Elders will be interviewed either individually or with other members of their cultural group (t...
Principal Investigator:Grieve, Sheryl Licensed Year(s):201020092008
This project is part of a larger IPY study, CiCAT, that is looking at the effect of climate change on arctic tundra ecosystems. The researchers will be collecting Métis traditional knowledge on vegetation and terrain changes in the North Slave region. In addition, they will be collecting and commenting on the scientific methodology for the larger CiCAT project. They hope to provide an integral c...
Principal Investigator:Saxon, Leslie A. Licensed Year(s):
20042003 Summary:
Working together with Tli\cho\ communities, the two main research goals are to publish books and CDs of Tli\cho\ stories about travel, and to train Tli\cho\ people and university students in language research.
The research will be done in the Tli\cho\ area and at the University of Victoria. Stories on tape and stories collected through interviews will be written down by researchers, sorted out ...
Principal Investigator:Brownlee, Keith Licensed Year(s):
For this research project, social work practitioners in northern and remote communities will be asked to examine distinctions between what theory and methods are appropriate for practice and which are not. This research will examine localization of knowledge which includes consideration of culture, community and values in adapting appropriate practices.
Research will be conducted in five commu...
Principal Investigator:Beddoes, Colin Licensed Year(s):
1999 Summary:
This study will assist Gameti First Nation in preparing a tourism action plan and an analysis of the opportunities and constraints that are faced in the implementation of ecocultural tourism. Transportation to and on site will be by air. Data collection will be carried out while working under the direction of a consultant. Data collection will involve non-structured interviews and may involve ...
Principal Investigator:Bright, Marilyn Licensed Year(s):
The study will explore experiences beginning Dene teachers have in their transition from student to teacher. Study attempts to understand ways which beginning Dene teachers integrate their traditional cultural heritage into that of Canadian mainstream curriculum. How is the curriculum document, Dene Kede, implemented in their work. Study will seek to articulate their needs for in-service suppor...
Principal Investigator:Morrow, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
Want to interview people to discuss their ideas of "North" and of the possibility and consequences of integrating indigenous and western knowledge systems. Also conducting some archival research in the Yellowknife library....