Regions: North Slave Region
Tags: climatology, vegetation, climate change, traditional knowledge, topography
Principal Investigator: | Grieve, Sheryl (4) |
Licence Number: | 14767 |
Organization: | North Slave Metis Alliance |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Jul 23, 2010 |
Objective(s): To document the effect of climate change on arctic tundra ecosystems.
Project Description: This project is part of a larger IPY study, Climate Change Impacts on Canadian Arctic Tundra Ecosystems (CiCAT), looking at the effect of climate change on arctic tundra ecosystems. For this project, Metis traditional knowledge on vegetation and terrain changes in the North Slave region will be collected. The goal of this study is to connect and meld scientific studies with knowledge from people that live on the land. The same three tundra sites as the 2008 and 2009 field season will be visited by NSMA staff and selected members (as chosen during the community meeting). The sites include: Artillery Lake, Alymer Lake, Yamba Lake and Old Fort Rae. Each site will be visited once during peak growth (mid-July to mid-August). Several hours will be spent at each site in order to conduct scientific vegetation surveys, berry surveys, soil transects and bird observations as appropriate. NSMA staff will collect scientific data ... Show more