Principal Investigator:Kuntz, Patricia A. Licensed Year(s):
The population that will be used for this study is nurses working in a hospital setting in the NWT. Participants will be asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire (1-1/2 pages) and return the completed questionnaire to the researcher. A letter will accompany the questionnaire, explaining the purpose of the study and nature of research to each participant....
Principal Investigator:Richardson, Denrick Licensed Year(s):
The study will follow an ethnographic or qualitative approach. An attempt will be made to interview a total of 100 people representing influential people in the communities....
Principal Investigator:Turner, Elizabeth C Licensed Year(s):200119991998
19941992199119891988 Summary:
Two people will be transported to the field sites via helicopter from Norman Wells. All ground work is done on foot. Data collection involves photography of rock outcrops, measurement of stratigraphic sections using a tape measure, description of outcrops, and selective sampling of about 100 fist-sized rock samples using a geological hammer....
Principal Investigator:Wall, Denis Licensed Year(s):
The survey will collect data from students, administrators, teachers, Board members, and other school-based staff. Pilot surveys will be undertaken to test the surveys and to identify necessary changes. A randomly selected group of 30 principals will be asked to collect data on incidents of interpersonal conflict in which they have to intervene. No names will be attached to surveys or descripti...
Principal Investigator:Zarowny, Sister Mary Licensed Year(s):
Local church personnel or volunteers will invite those who wish to participate in evening or weekend sessions to discuss their realities and answer a number of open ended questions. Local followup may result from these sessions. Summaries of sessions will be forwarded to the coordinator and used for development of further reflection processes and pastoral strategies....
Principal Investigator:Hagg, Richard Licensed Year(s):
1994 Summary:
The researcher will administer a questionnaire to river users Interviews will be conducted to survey community interests, commercial interests. Present government policies for river management will be researched. The researcher will also survey information from Nahanni National Park and conduct interviews with Canadian Parks Service Administration in order to assess the carrying capacity and man...
Principal Investigator:Kettles, Inez Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will map the configuration of peat deposits and permafrost within them using geophysical surveys (ground penetrating radar and EM-31). This will involve setting out a traverse line on foot using measuring tape and flagging tape, taking measurements along the traverse line with hand-held equipment and measuring the depth of peat using a probe. The researcher will drive or fly out ...
Principal Investigator:De Groot, Bill Licensed Year(s):
Plant samples will be collected in the field by the researcher after they become dormat for treatment in a lab experiment. Burning treatments will be conducted in the lab where environmental growing conditions and the plant physiological state at the time of the treatment can be better controled. This will be done in order to model the effects of fire on two types of shrubs....
Principal Investigator:Harris, Ronald W. Licensed Year(s):
Nurses presently employed in the various health delivery settings across the NWT will be surveyed to identify the factors contributing to longer tenure. Data will be collected and analyzed in order to assess trends and models for recruitment screening and nurse hiring practices will be developed....
Principal Investigator:Woodward, Shalleen Licensed Year(s):
A wage and benefits survey will be conducted for 200 NWT community organizations which currently receive funding from the GNWT. The data will be collected through personal interviews of employers and, in some cases, through telephone interviews using a structured questionnaire. Data collected by Lutra Associates Ltd. will be handed over to the Financial Management Board Secretariat (GNWT) for an...