Prescribed Fire and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Sahtu Settlement Area, North Slave Region

Tags: biology, vegetation, forestry, forest fire

Principal Investigator: De Groot, Bill (1)
Licence Number: 12680
Organization: Canadian Forest Service
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: M. Maffey, C. Stefner

Objective(s): To model fire effects on Betula and Salis shrubs in Northern and Western Canada.

Project Description: Plant samples will be collected in the field by the researcher after they become dormat for treatment in a lab experiment. Burning treatments will be conducted in the lab where environmental growing conditions and the plant physiological state at the time of the treatment can be better controled. This will be done in order to model the effects of fire on two types of shrubs.