269 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Periglacial Processes: Investigation of Slope Processes
Principal Investigator: Egginton, Paul A.
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1990
Summary: This year's work continues the measurement of creep (movement) of ice-rich slopes in permafrost. Landslide distribution in the lower Mackenzie Delta (Norman Wells area) is also being mapped....

Mackenzie Basin Impact Study: Land Assessment
Principal Investigator: Cohen, Stewart
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study will assess the potential impacts of global climatic change on the region. The component on land assessment will determine possible changes in land capability. Information on resource management goals is needed so that the study can can assess whether changes in land capability might lead to conflicts over land use....

Digital Database of Vegetation Types of the Mackenzie Valley Development Corridor
Principal Investigator: Squires Taylor, Cindy
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991
Summary: The researcher and her team will conduct helicopter surveys of vegetation types. The field data will aid in the computer classification of satellite imagery. The results will be vegetation maps of the Mackenzie Valley, which can be plotted on paper or entered into a digital database on a geographic information system (GIS) for further analysis with other data such as wildlife habitat, forest fir...

NWT Fieldwork 1992
Principal Investigator: Wielens, Hans
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The researcher will look at several outcropping rock formations that are accessible in the NWT. The potential for hydrocarbon generation and storage of these rocks will be the main focus of the work....

Norman Wells Auroral Observatory for SPIRIT II
Principal Investigator: Olson, John V.
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991
Summary: The Norman Wells Observatory has demonstrated to be a very good site to place a remote aurora monitoring observatory to support a scientific experiment called SPIRIT II. For this project, the researchers will continue to investigate the aurora's strength and position, magnetic disturbances etc. The observatory at Norman Wells fills a gap in the internationally collected and shared auroral data se...

Architecture and Construction Technique in the North
Principal Investigator: Nadji, Kayhan
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991
Summary: The Researcher will continue to investigate the relationship between the architectural and technical aspects of buildings and severe northern climate....

Heritage Training Needs Analysis
Principal Investigator: Riley, Toni
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991
Summary: The Researchers will assess the needs of heritage staff and volunteers throughout the NWT. Target groups include participants who have attended Northern Heritage Centre workshops and those actively working in the heritage field such as community historical societies, libraries, cultural centres and local museum projects....

An Investigation Into The Effects Of Principal Succession In Schools In The N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Gowans, Bill
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The Researcher will use a questionnaire to chart responses from all principals in the N.W.T as to their experiences in pre-arrival, arrival and succession....

Dene Clothing Research
Principal Investigator: Thompson, Judy
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: In conjunction with on-going research on Dene clothing in the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Dene seamstresses will be interviewed about their life and work. Community residents will also be consulted regarding a proposed exhibition of Dene clothing. Examples of the sewing of contemporary Dene women will be purchased for the permanent collection at the Museum of Civilization....

Integrated Natural Resource Management - A Question of Property Rights?
Principal Investigator: Rohlmann, Monika
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The Researcher will examine the property regime established under the Inuvialuit Regional Settlement Act. Informal field observations, literature and file reviews and informal discussions with key persons will be carried out....