26 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Human and chemical ecology of arctic pathways taken by marine pollutants
Principal Investigator: Kassam, Karim-Aly S.
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: Research will begin with the development of a database of existing information concerning impact of pollutants on the human ecology. An interview protocol will be developed for collecting indigenous knowledge on the impact of chemical pollutants. By training two researchers in each community surveyed, local indigenous knowledge will be collected through participation by community based staff. All ...

Giardia in Marine Mammals
Principal Investigator: Roach, Pat
Licensed Year(s): 1995
Summary: Samples will be initially evaluated on a presence/absence basis and taken further if warranted. The gene probe analytical technique is new and will be employed for all positive samples. Results will be published in a report format which will be submitted to FJMC to FJMC and the HTC. A paper will also be produced for publication in a refereed Journal....

Investigation of the nervous and immune systems in the beluga
Principal Investigator: Romano, Tracy
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: This research will examine the nervous (i.e., brain) and immune systems of beluga by collecting these tissues from harvested animals for laboratory analyses. This study will help to determine how contaminants affect the health of belugas. In addition, the data collected may lead to a better understanding of why whales strand themselves on the shoreline as it has been suggested that beached whale...

Contaminant analyses for wildlife food sources in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Principal Investigator: Bell, Bob
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: This project was initiated following the concern voiced by the six ISR communities about the presence and levels of contaminants in the major country food sources. Samples of body tissues will be taken from charr, whitefish, seals and belugas in order to assess for heavy metal, organochlorine and PCB contaminants. These samples will be taken while other field research is being conducted by Fishe...

Beaufort Sea beluga satellite tagging program
Principal Investigator: Richard, Pierre
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: Beluga whales will be herded into shallow waters with boats and kept there for a short period of time. Whale size and sex will be determined and a small sample of skin will be taken for DNA analysis. Satellite tags will be attached to the dorsal ridge area of ten whales. These tags will allow the researchers to locate the whales' movements and diving patterns over the next several months....

Monitoring ringed seals in domestic harvests at Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk and Holman, NWT, in 1993
Principal Investigator: Harwood, Lois
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: Members of each of the communities will be hired to sample and measure the ringed seals taken in the spring and summer harvests. These monitors will be trained prior to the field season in order to collect data on the size and location of the harvests, as well as measurements on the seals harvested including sexual maturity, health, and condition. Samples of tissue taken will include jaws, lungs...

Assessment of potential masking of marine mammal sounds by ship noise
Principal Investigator: Cosens, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990
Summary: In this final year of study, the researcher will be recording whale sounds as well as `normal' underwater sounds (background noise) and underwater sounds that boats make. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the sounds of boats interfere with the communication that occurs between beluga. The field crew will camp at Cape Lambton and make day trips to the recording sites out on the...

Beluga Whale Harvest Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: Stabler, Matt
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: The Beluga Harvest Monitoring Program is an on-going program conducted by the Fisheries Joint Management Secretariat that involves the monitoring of the beluga harvest in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Data and samples are collected from harvested whales in order to assess contaminant levels as well as population and reproductive parameters....

Responses of Marine Mammals to Vessel Noise
Principal Investigator: Cosens, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: The research will test playback as a method of studying responses of beluga whales to underwater vessel noise....

Vocal Behavior and Sound Production in Bearded Seals
Principal Investigator: Smith, Thomas
Licensed Year(s): 1989
Summary: Dr. Thomas Smith and his will take underwater recordings of bearded seal sounds. He will collect data to describe and measure the vocal behavior of the seals underwater. He will also collect bearded seals for dissection and analysis of the seal larynx. Roger Memorana will be hired from Holman to work with Dr. Smith. Dr Smith has received a small grant from the Science Institute of the NWT to cover...