Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):
201720162015201420132012201120102009 Summary:
This research will continue the long term objective of documenting and understanding the impacts of recent climate change on northern terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The short term objectives of my research for 2018 are: 1) to investigate the impacts of permafrost degradation and subsequent thaw slumping on freshwater ecosystems; 2) to examine the limnological implications of drained lakes on ...
Principal Investigator:LAURIOL, Bernard Licensed Year(s):
The main goal of this project is to determine the distribution, nature and origin of three thaw flows and the ground ice bodies in the Fort McPherson region. The results will be useful to understand similar features present along the Richardson Mountains.
The researchers plan to spend a full week in the Fort McPherson region to sample the ice and the sediment. The field camp will be based at th...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Fredrick M. Licensed Year(s):
200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
The goal of this research is to understand how the active layer, which overlies the permafrost and thaws and re-freezes every year, will respond to environmental change, including climate warming. Active layer thickness can influence hunting, fishing, gathering and forestry through vegetation and soil conditions. The character of the active layer affects transportation and construction, while chan...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
200320022001200020001999 Summary:
This research will investigate: A) the physical and chemical characteristics of permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta region to identify areas of ice-rich permafrost or thaw sensitive terrain. Second; B) the effect of permafrost degradation on water quality...
Principal Investigator:Begin, Christian Licensed Year(s):
The research team will investigate a few localities to determine the best sites to study eolian deposits (sand dunes) and features related to permafrost degradation. Samples of granular and organic deposits will be taken....
Principal Investigator:Fairbarns, Matt Licensed Year(s):
To choose study sites for work to be done next Spring on investigation of vegetation-permafrost-microclimate relationships associated with subarctic pipeline disturbances....