Principal Investigator:Nixon, Mark Licensed Year(s):20082007200620052004200320022001200019991998
1996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
This season, a party of two will survey tubes between North Richards Island and Tsiigehtchic during April and from Fort Simpson to the Arctic Coast in July and August. Travel will be by road, small boat on the river and helicopter from Norman Wells and Tutoyaktuk. Access to the sites is always on foot. This year is the seventh annual survey of a network of thaw depth measuring devices (thaw tub...
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, David A. Licensed Year(s):19931992
19901988 Summary:
Simple, inexpensive ice thickness gauges are installed on river channel ice. Usually 3-4 gauges per channel. Twenty gauges are installed in the Mackenzie Delta and 12 in Hay River. Every 10 days the gauges are read to obtain the total ice,white ice and snow quantities at each site. From this data the rates of ice growth and decay can be calculated and the approximate date at which the ice will...
Principal Investigator:Jenkins, B.W. Licensed Year(s):
To assess the impact on fish resources and domestic fishing operations of proposed ferry crossing of the Mackenzie River....
Principal Investigator:Whitney, Paul Licensed Year(s):
Survey all streams to be crossed by the proposed Foothills Pipeline, conduct aerial and ground surveys of rare and endangered species, and inspect all stockpile and comprssor stations and wharfing sites associated with the proposed pipeline for Foothills Pipeline....
Principal Investigator:Freas, G. Craig Licensed Year(s):
Research on the design and construction of secondary and temporary Arctic airfields....