Northern River Ice Regimes

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, South Slave Region

Tags: physical sciences, ice thickness, river ice, hydro-electric, ice growth

Principal Investigator: Sherstone, David A. (12)
Licence Number: 10022
Organization: Science Institute of the N.W.T.; Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988
Issued: Jan 01, 1990
Project Team: L. Kutny, G. White, A. Forbes, B. Juergenson

Objective(s): To monitor rates of ice growth and decay; to observe maximum ice thickness achieved in a variety of Arctic and sub Arctic river channels; to determine the timing of maximum thickness as information to predict impacts on ice regime of upstream hydro-electric development projects and/or river regulation;

Project Description: Ice thickness gauges are installed on river channel ice. Twenty gauges are installed in the Mackenzie Delta and 12 in the Hay River. Every 10 days the gauges are read to obtain the total ice, which ice and snow quantities at each site.