Principal Investigator:Schaeffer, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2024
2022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5616.
This project aims to better characterize tectonic activity and evolution across the study region through improved monitoring of earthquakes and GPS motions. Using a temporary network of seismometers, the research team will produce an updated catalogue of earthquakes targeting more precise locations, depths, frequency...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):2010
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application no. 946.
The objective of this research is to better understand the distribution of underground ice in hydrocarbon development areas. By identifying how much ice there is, the researcher wants to study how oil/gas activities and climate change could affect the land. Underground ice is one of the most unpredictable and problema...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This licence was issued for the scientific research application No. 935.
This study will test whether the shallow geophysics techniques of Ground Penetrating Radar and Ohm Mapper Resistivity Logging, in combination with seismic shothole drillers’ logs, can be used to resolve the nature and extent of the surficial geology cover and permafrost characteristics in two areas of recent seismic explor...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Adrienne Licensed Year(s):2007
2005 Summary:
The Peel Plateau and Plain is a region of under-explored hydrocarbon potential. Bedrock mapping and exploration drilling was done in the 1960s. The objective of this project is to improve knowledge of regional geology, including stratigraphy; correlation, depositional and tectonic histories; basin evolution; and petroleum geology and potential. Reconnaissance work will be conducted in the Peel Pla...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
200320022001200020001999 Summary:
This research will investigate: A) the physical and chemical characteristics of permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta region to identify areas of ice-rich permafrost or thaw sensitive terrain. Second; B) the effect of permafrost degradation on water quality...
Principal Investigator:Prost, Gary Licensed Year(s):2004
The general purpose of the trip is to examine sites where the Kamik formation is at the surface and to collect rock samples. The site visits are important to work relating to the development of Conoco's interest at Parsons Lake in the Inuvialuiit Settlem...
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002
200019991998 Summary:
Changes in the ground due to uplift, associated with the growth of a pingo, and sideways movements due to the growth of ice wedges, will be measured. Air, ground, and lake water temperatures will be measured, in order to find out how the ground is responding to climatic variation. The reseach team will also return to Paulatuk, to continue studies Dr. Mackay began there 50 years ago. Travel to s...
Principal Investigator:Kettles, Inez Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will map the configuration of peat deposits and permafrost within them using geophysical surveys (ground penetrating radar and EM-31). This will involve setting out a traverse line on foot using measuring tape and flagging tape, taking measurements along the traverse line with hand-held equipment and measuring the depth of peat using a probe. The researcher will drive or fly out ...