Principal Investigator:Hicks, Faye E Licensed Year(s):201320122011201020092008200720062005
The objective of the study is to develop new and updated ice jam flood forecasting models for the Town of Hay River. Researchers will observe the daily progression of river ice breakup from small aircraft (going along with the Town Flood Watch Committee...
Principal Investigator:Hicks, Faye E Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
The researchers will continue their monitoring of ice formation and breakup at the Mackenzie River crossing near Fort Providence. Data will be collected on water levels, river velocity, ice thickness and strength, and snow depth. This information will contribute to our knowledge of ice formation and breakup at this crossing, with a goal of predicting freezeup and breakup events....
Principal Investigator:Prowse, T.D. Licensed Year(s):
Spring breakup in Northern Rivers are often associated with record water levels and often lead to flooding. Present methods of forecasting the severity of these events are hampered by lack of understanding. The acquired knowledge and understanding obtained from these studies will be applied to the enhancement of suitable models for predicting the time and magnitude of these events....