Régions: Sahtu Settlement Area
étiquettes: contaminants, mining, site remediation
chercheur principal: | Wiatzka, Gerd M (12) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 14560 |
Organisation: | SENES Consultants Limited |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | juil. 09, 2009 |
Équipe de projet: | Mr. Gerd Wiazka (Mine Closure Specialist, SENES), Dr. Colin Macdonald (Vegetation and Soil Sampling, NECA), Mr. Henry Wong (Soil and Structural Analysis, DCS/SENES), Mr. Chris Yukon (Field Technician, Community of Deline), Mr. Lee Tutcho (Field Technician, Community of Deline), Mr. Roddy Modeste (Field Technician, Community of Deline) |
Objectif(s): The objective of the work is to assist INAC with its ongoing work to clean up the abandoned mine sites, and to insure that remediation efforts are performing as planned.
Description du projet: The objective of the work is to assist INAC with its ongoing work to clean up the abandoned mine sites, and to insure that remediation efforts are performing as planned. SENES will be carrying out the sampling for the Contaminants and Remediation Directorate (CARD) of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). INAC CARD has the responsibility to manage the abandoned Great Bear Lake mine sites in the Sahtu region of the Northwest Territories. A number of Environmental Site Assessments have been conducted at the sites and a limited amount of assessment work remains. Specification design for the remediation of the sites is underway at three of the mines, while the fourth site has been through the remediation process and is now under a longterm monitoring plan. Visual inspections will be done by specialists at all mines visited. Water, sediment, and fish samples will be collected manually, by use of a zodiac and outboard motor. Vegetation and soil samples will be collected manually from around the mine sites. Members of the community of Deline have been contacted and will be hired to assist with environmental, technical and logistical support. Upon completion of the field work and receipt of all the sample results, reports will be prepared for INAC CARD. INAC CARD will be responsible for ultimately communicating the results to communities. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from July 07 to 31, and from September 01 to 10, 2009, at Silver Bear Mine, El Bonanza Mine, Contact Lake Mine and Port Radium Mine. The base camp for the field sampling will be at the INAC CARD site at Terra Mines.