Régions: Sahtu Settlement Area
étiquettes: revegetation, infrastructure planning, engineering, geotechnical survey, topography, Mackenzie Gas Project, site reconnaissance, granular resources, pipeline construction, Sahtu
chercheur principal: | Povey, Andrew (93) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 13882 |
Organisation: | Mackenzie Project Environment Group |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | juil. 25, 2005 |
Équipe de projet: | Environmental Planners, Geotechnical Engineers, Pipeline Engineers, Geomatic Specialists |
Objectif(s): Between 2002 and 2004, a number of reconnaissance flights were undertaken to identify route options and a preferred potential pipeline route for the Mackenzie Gas Project, as well as locations for infrastructure, facilities and granular resources. During 2005, several helicopter flights will be completed for the purposes of pipeline and site reconnaissance and geotechnical observation within the Sahtu Settlement Area. The route and site reconnaissance activities in 2005 have the following main components: review the proposed location for a potential pipeline route through the Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA); revisit or determine the optimal locations for proposed facilities in the SSA; revisit or determine the optimal locations for infrastructure sites, roads, granular resource sites, water withdrawal sites and potential revegetation test sites; visually inspect and confirm land forms and geotechnical features; and, identify land features that may be important to the location or construction of the Mackenzie Gas Project.
Description du projet: The objective of this study is to complete several helicopter flights for the purposes of pipeline and site reconnaissance and geotechnical observation. The activities will be conducted to: review the proposed location for a potential gas pipeline through the Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA), including identifying areas where mitigation measures may be required during or after construction such as steep slopes; revisit or determine the optimal locations for proposed facilities in the SSA; revisit or determine the optimal locations for infrastructure sites, roads, granular resource sites, water withdrawal sites and potential revegetation test sites; visually inspect and confirm land forms and geotechnical features; and identify land features that may be important to the location or construction of the Mackenzie Gas Project. During the reconnaissance flights, locations of important land features will be confirmed by Global Positioning System (GPS), and photographs or videos will be taken. Landing may occur at selected sites for more detailed observation, subject to avoidance of sensitive area and confirmation by the local assistant. Landings will not be made at sites close to occupied camps or sites or areas where large wildlife or wildlife concentrations are visible. It is estimated that each route and site reconnaissance flight will rquire up to 30 hours of flying time over a period of 3 to 5 days. It is likely, that the number of landings will be in the range of 20 to 35 sites. The maximum time on the ground at landing sites is expected to not exceed 1 hour.