Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):201220112010200920082007
2005 Summary:
The Mackenzie Delta region is characterized by diverse terrain and ecological conditions. Responsible and effective management of oil and gas exploration and potential production and pipeline construction in this region necessitates a broad but detailed understanding of environmental conditions in this region and the potential response of this environment to climate change or anthropogenic disturb...
Principal Investigator:Henry, Gregory H.R. Licensed Year(s):19951994
1991 Summary:
This study continues from the research conducted in 1991 where we examined the plant community and assessed plant distribution as the subarctic forest changes to tundra. We are interested in how the smaller plant species are influenced by changes in the number of trees that are nearby as well as changes in climate. Permanent plots will be established in order to monitor any changes in the plant ...
Principal Investigator:Broll, Gabriele Licensed Year(s):
As part of his trip to Inuvik with the International Tour of Permafrost Affected Soils, the researcher will record information about the ecology (including local climate conditions, soil conditions and plant communities) of the timberline at selected sites visited during the Tour. These sites are located along the Dempster Highway near Inuvik....
Principal Investigator:Olsen, Sue K. Licensed Year(s):
The experiment will determine the interacting effects of fire severity, soil moisture and air temperature treatments on the emergence, winter survival and initial growth of treeline and near treeline tree species. The availability and viability of tree seed for successful regeneration of the treeline and near-treeline tree species will also be determined....
Principal Investigator:Landhaeusser, Simon M. Licensed Year(s):
19911990 Summary:
To determine the maximum size of treeline tree species in a burned and unburned valley in the Caribou Hills, the mass of standing trees on different slopes and aspects will be estimated and related to the energy input. In 1992 the plots prepared in 1990 and planted and seeded in 1991, will be revisited and measurement of growth for the second growing season will be taken....
Principal Investigator:Pearce, Cheryl M. Licensed Year(s):19931992
1990 Summary:
The Researcher will continue to determine what density of trees is necessary for detection by the satellite sensors. To determine what are the densities of shrubs and herbs or dwarf shrubs and lichens that change the reflectance patterns from the understory. To determine if the thresholds in density will be sensitive enough to monitor vegetation responses to climate change in the forest to tundra ...
Principal Investigator:MacDonald, Glen M Licensed Year(s):1992
Dr. Glen MacDonald and his team will collect lake sediment core samples from 3 or 4 small lakes in the Mackenzie Mountains, adjacent to the Canol Road for the purpose of fossil pollen and macrofossil analysis. The area will be revisited in July to conduct surveys of vegetation at and around the treeline....
Principal Investigator:Timoney, Kevin P. Licensed Year(s):
To better understand the ecology of the treeline. Objectives include: determination of the treeline width, description of geographic variation and vegetation pattern change with treeline fluctuations....