Postglacial Treeline Change in the Mackenzie-Selwyn Mountains

Regions: Sahtu Settlement Area

Tags: physical sciences, vegetation, climate change, sediment, trees, climatic history

Principal Investigator: MacDonald, Glen M (9)
Licence Number: 12084
Organization: Department of Geography, McMaster University
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1990
Issued: Jan 01, 1992
Project Team: J.M. Szeicz; C.P.S. Larsen; Dr. Duk-Rodin

Objective(s): To reconstruct past climatic variations; to examine the relationship between climatic change and vegetation response;

Project Description: The research party will continue to study past climatic variation and will continue to examine the relationship between climatic change and vegetation response. They will continue lake sediment coring and will collect tree increment cores.