Principal Investigator:Beaudry, Nicole Licensed Year(s):
199019891988 Summary:
The researcher will be continuing work begun in 1988. She will be conducting interviews with elders and making recordings where appropriate in the communities of Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman and Fort Franklin....
Principal Investigator:Satterthwaite, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will investigate perceptions of northern residents concerning their participation in environmental assessment hearings. This information will be used in a larger project looking at the role of scientific and traditional knowledge in the environmental assessment process....
Principal Investigator:Good, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will study the programming of IBC and TVNC and spend time with some of the Inuit people of the North in order to assess the effectiveness of Inuit television in the transmission of Inuit language, values, and traditions....
Principal Investigator:Andre, Alestine Licensed Year(s):1993
The researcher and her team will gather information during interviews with Gwich'in elders of Arctic Red River to compile mapped information. Maps provided by the NOGAP Archaeology Project will be used to record information regarding trail systems and transportation networks, traditional camps and stops, place names and resources sought after according to season....
Principal Investigator:Borre, Kristen Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will collect samples of plants Inuit indicate are important to their lives, including nutritional, economic, ecological, social, cultural and religious importance. The uses and meaning of the plants and the land on which they grow will be discussed with Inuit and recorded. The way in which Inuit think about plants and how they use them will be analyzed....
Principal Investigator:Condon, Richard G. Licensed Year(s):
19881987 Summary:
This ethnographic research project is designed to examine the degree to which young Inuit households are involved in traditional subsistence harvesting and how these activities are supplemented by recently introduced wage employment opportunities. The study will utilize participant-observation as well as formal and informal interviews....
Principal Investigator:Stenton, Douglas R. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The researchers will engage in field training for northern post-secondary students enrolled in Arctic College's Environmental Technology Program. This will provide northern students and other interested individuals opportunities to become actively involved in the investigation of eastern Arctic Inuit culture through a community-based project....
Principal Investigator:D'Anglure, Bernard Saladin Licensed Year(s):
The research will involve the study of Inuit leaders and political development. How one became a leader among the Inuit, traditionally and in the present time using factors such as kinship, leadership, personal performance, authority and religious power will be be investigated....
Principal Investigator:Nagy, Murielle Licensed Year(s):
In conjunction with the Inuvialuit Social Development Program, the Researchers will gather the oral history concerning the lives of Inuvialuit along the Yukon North Slope. They will document post-contact aboriginal land use as recorded in historic sites, graves, resource extraction areas, caches, look-outs, trails, place names and gathering places in the Yukon North Slope....
Principal Investigator:Rochon, Timm Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will conduct informal interviews to learn about Dene concepts and attitudes of nature and the relationship they believe themselves to have with their surrounding natural environment. The questions will focus on Dene ceremonies, rituals, prechristian religion and the manner in which these issues influence and encompass a Dene concept of nature....