Principal Investigator:Giesel, Chelsea Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5469.
The goals of this project are to determine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours (KAB) of Inuit youth and new or expecting parents in select Western Arctic communities toward cannabis use; and, to share cannabis harm reduction tools and information and assess their effectiveness and determine persisting gaps in cann...
Principal Investigator:Christensen, Julia B Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4839.
The purpose of this project is to document, assess and evaluate changes to participants' intake of alcohol and cannabis over the duration of the COVID-19 Isolation Shelter Harm Reduction program. In particular, the research team are interested in how a transitional housing program offered in conjunction with a Managed...
Principal Investigator:Henderson, Joanna L Licensed Year(s):
The overall objectives of this national project are: 1) to provide training in the use of a youth screening tool for mental health and substance use concerns to service providers from agencies who have agreed to all use the same screening tool; 2) to understand the impact of training and project participation on service providers; and, 3) to better understand youth mental health and substance use ...
Principal Investigator:Hainstock, Beverly Licensed Year(s):
Data collection methods will include an Internet literature search, a review of materials from previous workshops, and a questionnaire for both professional persons and organizations and the general population. Information will be used to produce a plain language report and a pamphlet in Gwich'in, Inuvialuit and English. This information will be presented at a community meeting where possible pl...
Principal Investigator:Sweeney, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
Data collection includes questionnaires to businesses, schools and law enforcement and medical personnel within the Town of Inuvik. The questions will focus on community organizations and agencies knowledge of solvent abuse in the community. Once the information is gathered, an evaluation of the knowledge of solvent abuse will show what the strengths and weaknesses are and will give recommendati...
Principal Investigator:Brown, Thomas Licensed Year(s):
1994 Summary:
The researcher will explore how non-medical community based Inuit substance abuse treatment programs in Iqaluit and Kuujjuaq both promote and maintain recovery. The researcher will develop, test the feasibility of and translate an assessment instrument. This study will be the first stage of an ongoing research project. In the second stage of this research project, the researcher proposes to eva...
Principal Investigator:Callaway, Michelle L. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will interview people of Cape Dorset who initiated a community-based health program that addresses alcohol abuse. The information collected will summarize the Inuit's perspectives on what they believe to be effective features of the program which help to address the problem of alcohol abuse in their community. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to comment on all st...
Principal Investigator:Martel, Pat Licensed Year(s):
The research will be based at Hay River and conducted over a 4-month period in 1992 in order to provide a working draft of the Native cultural component of the Hay River Reserve Treatment Centre for the training of Centre Staff. Seven elders from designated communities in the South Slave region will be employed as the primary resource for development and organization of information with regard to...