Principal Investigator:Wenghofer, Kristen Licensed Year(s):20182017201620152014201320122011201020092007
Increased industrial development across the Northwest Territories is creating the necessity to reclaim and revegetate the land during and/or after development. Land management policy recognizes the need to maintain ecosystems, biodiversity, and habitat, and is implementing stringent policies for land use. Northern environments are particularly slow to recover from disturbance because of the short ...
Principal Investigator:Mears, Margaret Licensed Year(s):
Nahendeh, with assistance from Alpine Environmental Consulting Ltd. and Golder Associates Ltd. was contracted on behalf of ChevronTexaco Corporation to conduct vegetation monitoring studies for the pipeline right-of-way from Chevron K-29 wellsite to the...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20042003
The vegetation component of the 2002 baseline studies will focus on completion of the vegetation typing surveys. Initially, a reconnaissance flight will be required along the study corridor. This flight will be used to identify sites for detailed sampling. Sites will be selected to represent the major ecological land units. Where possible, sample sites will be grouped to reduce helicopter time....
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The proposed research program involves terrestrial studies in the Inuvialuit Settlement Area to be conducted during 2002. Initial vegetation investigations were conducted in summer 2001 to classify vegetation along the study corridor. This classification was essentially completed in the Inuvialuit Settlement Area. Vegetation studies during 2002 will focus on locating areas of rare or uncommon pl...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The proposed research program involves terrestrial studies in the Gwich'in Settlement Area to be conducted during 2002. Initial Vegetation investigations were conducted in summer 2001 to classify vegetation along the study corridor. This classification was essentially completed in the Gwich'in Settlement Area. Vegetation studies during 2002 will focus on locating areas of rare or uncommon plants...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The vegetation component of the 2002 baseline studies will focus on completion of the vegetation typing surveys. Initially, a reconnaissance flight will be required over Sahtu Private Lands along the study corridor. This flight will be used to identify sites for detailed sampling. Sites will be selected to represent the major ecological land units. Where possible, sample sites will be grouped to...
Principal Investigator:Bush, Dana Licensed Year(s):
The BC Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping inventory standard will be used to provide a uniform method of describing vegetation, soil and terrain based on air photo interpretation and field data collection. The sampling sites will be located on Crown Land contained within a 1 km corridor with 'bulges' in areas of special concern such as river crossings. Surveying sites accessed by helicopter, boat, veh...
Principal Investigator:Bush, Dana Licensed Year(s):
The BC Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping inventory standard will be used to provide a uniform method of describing vegetation, soil and terrain based on air photo interpretation and field data collection. The sites will be contained within a 1 km corridor with 'bulges' in areas of special concern such as river crossings. Surveying sites accessed by helicopter, boat, vehicle and/or on foot. To avoid c...
Principal Investigator:Raillard, Martin Licensed Year(s):
This project will take place in Tuktuk Nogait National Park in 1998 and 1999. The objective of the project is to map the vegetation of the park. As many areas of the Park as possible will be hiked and the various vegetation communities along the hiking route will be put into one of several classes, and their exact geographical location recorded. Once the field season is over, these various geograp...
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):2002200120001999
19971996199519941993 Summary:
The main study objectives are to: 1) determine the status of permafrost landforms in the study area, and 2) determine long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No. 1 project. Access during the summer is via the Yukon along the Canol Road through Macmillan Pass. Beyond the base camp mountain bikes and foot will be the means of transport. Automated microclimate stations powered by solar ene...