Principal Investigator:Humphries, Murray Licensed Year(s):
20232022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5809.
The objectives of this research project are to learn about:
1) how climate influences patterns of habitat use among Peary caribou, muskoxen and their predators, and
2) how changes in forage availability/accessibility (e.g. impacted by changing snow conditions, overgrazing by geese, etc.), competition with muskoxe...
Principal Investigator:Mavrot, Fabien PS Licensed Year(s):
20222020 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5440.
The research team aim to collect information on population, health and diseases of muskox and on caribou on a yearly basis as they were observed by community-member harvesting those animals. Those information will be pooled together with the data from the existing and on-going sample collection and analysis of muskox ...
Principal Investigator:Henderson, Rita Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5106.
With this evaluation research project, the research team aims to identify what challenges and opportunities COVID-19 brought out and outline strategies to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on the muskox and caribou monitoring program.
The three partner groups will be interviewed: Indigenous partners, academics of th...
Principal Investigator:Kutz, Susan M. Licensed Year(s):
2017 Summary:
The objective of this project is to integrate traditional ecological knowledge and western scientific methodology to investigate the impact of diseases and climate change on muskox population dynamics and evaluate how local community knowledge can be formally incorporated into wildlife monitoring, health policy, and management.
The research will be done simultaneously in two communities in the ...
Principal Investigator:Lucas, John Sr. Licensed Year(s):
The goals of this project are to investigate ways of introducing man-made items into muskox habitat with minimal disturbance; test if wild muskox will physically interact with a man made addition to their habitat; test the efficacy of muskombs to collect qiviuq; present this scheme to Inuvialuit groups for the purpose of developing a qiviuq industry.
Maskombs were built at the ARI, shipped to S...
Principal Investigator:Katz, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the research are to: investigate ways of introducing man-made items into musk ox habitat with minimal disturbance; observe if wild musk oxen will physically interact with a man-made addition to their habitat; test the efficacy of the “muskombs” (scratching posts for musk oxen); and collect qiviuq (musk ox down wool). The results of this research will be presented to Inuvialuit gr...
Principal Investigator:Smith, David L. Licensed Year(s):
This study will address the impact that muskoxen are having on sedge meadows (the habitat that is important for their survival in the Thomsen River valley). In this study, I will examine the response of sedge meadow plants to the effects of grazing by muskoxen. I will monitoring the growth and chemical makeup of plants in 3 situations: (1) unprotected plots subject to muskoxen grazing; (2) artif...
Principal Investigator:Romo, J.T. Licensed Year(s):
The project examines the effects of a high-density muskoxen populations on a sedge meadow plant community. Two fences exist at the study site to exclude muskoxen and thus provide an ungrazed area used for comparison with the grazed area. Plant species abundance, plant height, grazing use of plant species and weight of plants are some of the data that will be compared among grazed and ungrazed are...
Principal Investigator:Harmsen, R. Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The Researcher and team will continue to study the relationship between muskoxen and the plants they eat. Since 1987 the effect of muskox grazing on arctic vetch plants has been studied. Investigations of a large number of vetch plants will include calculations on mortality rates, growth rates and renewal through seed....
Principal Investigator:Svoboda, Joseph Licensed Year(s):1994199319921991
1987 Summary:
to determine number and habitat use of muskox herds in Sverdrup Pass; to assess effects of muskox grazing on vegetation; to determine grazing intensity of muskox on vegetation in area; to establish origin of periglacial landforms in area and their effect on plant community development; to investigate plant succession in a polar desert on Devon Island....