7 record(s) found with the tag "ionosphere" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Ground-based auroral observations in conjunction with the FAST satellite
Principal Investigator: Hallinan, Thomas J.
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: The observations will be made by an all-sky TV camera. The camera is computer controlled and should only require minimal attendance. The camera will record the auroras over Fort Smith with 1 minute resolution, storing the images on coputer disk and transferring them to the Internet. Hoping to use the Upper Air Station as this facility would be ideal for optical observations....

Magnetometer array for cusp and cleft studies (MACCS)
Principal Investigator: Engebretson, Mark
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992
Summary: In previous years, instruments were installed in Clyde River, Igloolik, Pelly Bay, Gjoa Haven, Pangnirtung, Coral Harbour, Repulse Bay, Cape Dorset and Iqaluit in order to measure the earth's magnetic field. Data will be collected continuously by these instruments, called magnetometers, for a period of several years. This information will help us to understand the nature of the aurora borealis....

High latitude studies of the ionosphere E-region using the Sapphire North Radar System
Principal Investigator: Sofko, George J
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The Sapphire North Radar System uses 2 transmitters, at Sachs Harbour and Rankin Inlet, and a common receiver at Yellowknife. This system measures speeds of structures in the ionosphere (upper atmosphere) in order to study the transfer of energy from the solar wind to the earth. This energy transfer is most apparent during "magnetic storms" when there are displays of northern lights. The researc...

Early polar cap observations
Principal Investigator: Kelly, John D.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993
Summary: The researchers are continuing their long term study of the earth's atmosphere from the newly established scientific facility in Resolute Bay. Data will be collected in order to understand the influence of the sun on the earth's atmosphere....

Studies of the Polar Ionosphere with an Imaging Riometer
Principal Investigator: Murphree, J.S.
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The researcher and his team will install an imaging riometer and it will operate continuously thereafter for an estimated 5-year period to collect information on the polar ionosphere....

Norman Wells Auroral Observatory for SPIRIT II
Principal Investigator: Olson, John V.
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991
Summary: The Norman Wells Observatory has demonstrated to be a very good site to place a remote aurora monitoring observatory to support a scientific experiment called SPIRIT II. For this project, the researchers will continue to investigate the aurora's strength and position, magnetic disturbances etc. The observatory at Norman Wells fills a gap in the internationally collected and shared auroral data se...

Large Aperture Coherence Project
Principal Investigator: Morris, John B.
Licensed Year(s): 1990 1989
Summary: Mr. Morris will conduct an experiment to explore the limitations imposed on antenna size due to the propagation medium. Long range antennae that "see" beyond the earth's curvature provide advanced notice of approaching targets....