High latitude studies of the ionosphere E-region using the Sapphire North Radar System

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, North Slave Region, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut

étiquettes: physical sciences, atmospheric sciences, magnetic field, ionosphere, solar wind

chercheur principal: Sofko, George J (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 12586
Organisation: University of Saskatchewan
Année(s) de permis: 1994
Délivré: janv. 01, 1994
Équipe de projet: J.A. Koehler, M. McKibben, D. Andre

Objectif(s): To measure, using the Sapphire North Radar System, the speeds and scattering cross-sections of ionosphere structures which reflect 50 MHz radar signals in the lower E-region of the ionosphere at high latitudes, namely in the transition zone from the auroral zone to the polar cap (centred roughly over Cambridge Bay); to use the above measurements to determine the effects of the transfer of particle energy from the solar wind to the earth's magnetosphere, as evidenced by the effects at the transition region between open and closed magnetic field lines.

Description du projet: The Sapphire North Radar System uses 2 transmitters, at Sachs Harbour and Rankin Inlet, and a common receiver at Yellowknife. This system measures speeds of structures in the ionosphere (upper atmosphere) in order to study the transfer of energy from the solar wind to the earth. This energy transfer is most apparent during "magnetic storms" when there are displays of northern lights. The researchers will collect data for the next several years.