23 record(s) found with the tag "invertebrates" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Environmental Physiology of Marine Invertebrates
Principal Investigator: Graham, Mark S
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The researcher and his team will use several species of planktonic and benthic invertebrates from Lancaster Sound region to evaluate the metabolic cost of making a living in the Arctic. Oxygen consumption techniques will be used as a metabolic indicy. Trophic status of specimens will be evaluated later by stable isotope analysis....

Investigations of the Metabolism of Arctic Organisms
Principal Investigator: Glemet, Helene
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1990
Summary: The Researchers will continue a study begun in 1990. They will study the types of fat found in muscle and liver of Arctic fishes and marine invertebrates....

The Creation and Utilization of an Artifical Reef in the Churchill Region
Principal Investigator: Thornton, Sheila
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The Researcher will create an artifical reef in the Churchill region and develop an arctic ecosystem study site. She will create a species inventory which will involve benthic sampling using SCUBA gear. Species include benthic marine invertebrates, fish and pelagic invertebrates found in 0-20 metres of water....

Ethnozoological Investigations in Igloolik, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Randa, Vladimir
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1990 1988
Summary: The Researcher will continue to investigate the ethnozoology of the Iglulik Inuit and to add to previously (1985, 1988) collected data. He will complete the identification of small terrestrial and water vertebrates and invertebrates and study the Inuit's knowledge and representations related to these animals. Information on zoological terminology will also be collected....

Ecology and population genetics of freshwater invertebrates of the Arctic.
Principal Investigator: Boileau, Marc G.
Licensed Year(s): 1988 1987 1986
Summary: To investigate the ecology and population genetics of crustacean zooplankton; to study the genetic diversity of the major species of copepods and their dispersal since deglaciation; to clarify the taxonomy and improve distribution records....

To determine the productivity of the most important components of marine mammal food chains
Principal Investigator: Welch, Harold
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987
Summary: To study productivity of marine mammal food chains in Barrow Strait; emphasis in 1988 to be on Arctic cod, clams and the pelagic amphipod, "Parathemisto"...

Licence #5135
Principal Investigator: Pine, Ronald H.
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To collect invertebrate and vertebrate specimens of opportunity....

Licence #2623
Principal Investigator: McLeod, Curtis
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To document fish use of shalllow side-channel areas or river margins and to estimate the effect of water level changes on fish habitat. Detailed physical data collection (water levels, velocity and sediment samples) will be undertaken, data will also be collected of fish and small invertebrate use of habitat....

Licence #2489
Principal Investigator: Lehmkuhl, D.M.
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: This study is basically an academic one, involving the identification, description, and study of the life cycles and classification of stream and tundra pond inhabitants (insects and invertebrates)....

Licence #2065
Principal Investigator: Currie, Philip J.
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: To collect fossil invertebrates and vertebrates....