Principal Investigator:Kelly, Richard Licensed Year(s):
2017 Summary:
The primary objectives of this study are to: 1) understand and explain the role of snow microstructure in terms of the radar backscatter and phase response in this environment 2) to evaluate the efficacy of differential synthetic aperture radar (dInSAR) for snow accumulation estimates at C-band, and 3) to evaluate the optimal approach to estimating snow water equivalent using radar from this site....
Principal Investigator:Kasook, Davonna C Licensed Year(s):2018
The objective is to compare differences in snow depth, density and morphology of a heavily forested site and a tundra site. The Principal Investigator (PI) will study the effect landscape (forest vs. tundra) has on seasonal snow pack evolution and physical properties (density, temperature, snow grain morphology, and stratigraphy) of the snowpack. These results will be compared to historical data (...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Laurence C. Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this project is to measure variations in water surface elevation, inundation extent, permafrost presence/absence, active layer thickness, soil moisture and related variables for lakes, wetlands and rivers in four primary study areas within the Northwest Territories (NWT). Using ground measurements combined with maps of water surface elevation produced by the Air Surface Water and Ocean...
Principal Investigator:Berg, Aaron A Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
This research has two main objectives:
1) to monitor the spatial variability of soil moisture at the scale of a Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) 36km pixel centered around the Trail Valley Creek (TVC) watershed; and,
2) to evaluate the current soil moisture algorithms and products currently utilized by SMAP.
To achieve the first objective, the research team will install soil moisture monit...
Principal Investigator:Tank, Suzanne E Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The objective of this study is to determine the effect of fire on water quality within the southern NWT landscape. The research team will work across the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield ecoregions. Differences in landscape between these regions will affect the catchment response to fire. The team will also target catchments with variable permafrost extent, and wetland/lake coverage.
The research ...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):
20162015201420102009200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The objective of this research project are to: 1) improve the understanding of microbial carbon-processing in Mackenzie Delta lakes and how it is affected by the changing water levels; and, 2) to decipher the impact of water level changes on the ability of the Mackenzie Delta to affect riverine nutrient flow to the ocean.
This work will help resolve what drives microbial communities in Mackenzi...
Principal Investigator:Blais, Jules M Licensed Year(s):
20162015 Summary:
The research team propose to develop tools to assess risks associated with legacy industrial developments in a northern setting. The team will investigate contaminants from the Giant Mine near Yellowknife Northwest Territories (NT), which operated between 1948 and 2004, producing a legacy of contaminants including arsenic, antimony, hydrocarbons, mercury, and others. This remediation strategy appl...
Principal Investigator:Spence, Christopher Licensed Year(s):
2016201220112010200920082007 Summary:
It is the objective of this research to determine the water cycle processes acting in watersheds that could affect the streamflow response and water chemistry of Taiga Shield streams.
The proposed work will take place within a research basin framework. The proposed watershed, the upper reaches of Baker Creek, is a typical Canadian Shield stream that drains 150 km2 into Great Slave Lake. There ...
Principal Investigator:Doucet, Michael Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
The primary objective of this research program is to determine the environmental and physical conditions of nine sites in the Gordon Lake region.
This research will include the identification and quantification of environmental impacts in soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater. Samples of biota (e.g. Hyalella) may be collected at certain sites during the field program. The potential for...
Principal Investigator:Bond, Matthew J Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to determine whether permafrost thaw in the Canadian north is resulting in the release of historic radionuclides to surface waters. The results of this study will be incorporated into a larger model of radionuclide fate and transport in the Canadian north.
Field work will involve sampling surface water (triplicate 500 mL samples), groundwater seepage (triplicat...