Principal Investigator:Lennie-Misgeld, Janpeter Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the study are as follows:
- Perform limited geotechnical analysis to confirm assumptions on foundation type and location and routing;
- Identify any archeological or cultural resources that may be impacted by the transmission line;
- Conduct environmental field work e.g. wildlife sightings and documentation, plant samples, caribou migration trails; and
- Use the information...
Principal Investigator:McCallum, Dee Licensed Year(s):2021202020192018201720162015201420122011
2009200820072006200520042002200120001999 Summary:
The environmental monitoring program will cover an assessment of aquatics (benthic invertebrates, fish, water quality, plankton, and sediment quality), hydrology, geochemistry and North Pile environmental inspection & geotechnical assessments, wildlife, vegetation, air quality and archaeology.
The aquatics program involves the monitoring of; water quality, sediment quality, zooplankton, phytopl...