Principal Investigator:Tank, Suzanne E Licensed Year(s):
2012 Summary:
This study will examine the solar degradation of riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to carbon dioxide (CO2) throughout the Mackenzie River Delta. During the spring runoff peak just before summer solstice, ice-jam flooding inundates the Delta with river water, which spreads out in a relatively thin layer over an extended area and is exposed to 24-hour Arctic sunlight. This water is then slowly...
Principal Investigator:Armstrong, Terry Licensed Year(s):2014201320122011
The primary objective is to examine changes in lake area in the ecoregion, investigate whether recent changes are part of a longer-term cycle related to large-scale weather patterns or due to permanent changes to the climate and hydrology of the region.
Data collection in the field will consist of taking core samples from trees in the area. This technique involves using a hollow drill to cut i...
Principal Investigator:Prowse, Terry D Licensed Year(s):200820072006
2004 Summary:
This study is a continuation and expansion of two previous studies on extreme flooding and deep scour holes along the Mackenzie River. The researchers will use skidoos/toboggans towing a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) apparatus to try to find out what k...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Brent BBW Licensed Year(s):200720062005
20032002 Summary:
This ongoing research project will formulate a history of the frequency and magnitude of floods, droughts, and corresponding ecological responses in the Mackenzie Basin Deltas over the past 1000 years. Fieldwork in 2004 will focus on continued sampling a...
Principal Investigator:de Rham, Laurent Licensed Year(s):
It is known that extreme flood levels within the Mackenzie River Basin are caused by ice jamming events. Analysis of open water versus ice influenced water levels at several sites within the Mackenzie River Basin will provide further quantification of th...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):2017201620152014201020092007200620052004
2002200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The long term goal of this research is to develop a biogeochemical model for lakes in the Mackenzie Delta, and ultimately, a model for flood plains and deltas of major world rivers that help understand the impact global change on rivers.. Specific goals...
Principal Investigator:Jasper, Jesse Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will work in collaboration with other scientists to study water and sediment characteristics at certain Inland Water Directorate sites in the Mackenzie Delta. This study will be useful for evaluating impacts of hydrocarbon development as well as delta flooding on water flow, wildlife and vegetation in the delta. In addition, contaminants in water and sediments will be measured....
Principal Investigator:Heron, Richard Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
As part of an ongoing study in which field work was conducted in 1989 and 1990, this year's work will involve a study of the effects that snowdrifts can have on blocking the movement of meltwater in the McMaster River during the spring. Snowdrifts located at several sites along the river will be monitored to determine how they can alter the river's course, how these drifts are eventually broken d...
Principal Investigator:Soulis, E.D. (Ric) Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the project is to improve the ways we have to predict the spring floods in the smaller rivers. Floods from snowmelt are a particular concern in northern rivers. In the Ft. Simpson area, spring flows from the smaller rivers, which are tributaries to the Liard and Mackenzie, have a great deal to do with the timing and nature of breakup on the major rivers. Snow conditions will be surv...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):19931992
The research will study changes in the water levels of a variety of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. Investigations will include consideration of factors controlling the lake levels, introduction of floodwater from the Mackenzie River, rainfall on to the lake, smowmelt runoff into the lakes and evaporation from the lakes....