Principal Investigator:Byrne, Geraldine Licensed Year(s):
The Aquatic Effects Monitoring Plan (AEMP) and Sediment and Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) are requirements under water license MV2011L0002 issued by the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB). The objective of the AEMP is to monitor and identify potential short-term, long-term and cumulative changes throughout the Taltson River aquatic environment. The objective of the SEMP is to identify...
Principal Investigator:Hilton, Robert G Licensed Year(s):2017
201120102009 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to correct for fossil particulate organic carbon (POC) input to the Mackenzie River, and to determine the loci of peatland organic carbon (OC) erosion and flux to the fluvial system.
At each sampling location, an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) will allow the research team to determine bathymetry, water velocity trans...
Principal Investigator:Bogen, Jim J Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to estimate the modern and historical fluxes of sediment- associated chemical elements to the Arctic Ocean and their relationships to natural and man-induced changes in sediment yields and sediment sources and if possible, predict the impact of future climate changes on the fluxes.
The study will include sampling of overbank sediments from floodplains and del...
Principal Investigator:Coulombe-Pontbriand, Moise Licensed Year(s):
The study will attempt to reconstruct the past 10,000 year geomorphological and hydrological history of the Mackenzie River using sedimentological records of fluvial deposits. The researcher will travel by Zodiac boat from Jean-Marie River to Point Separ...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):2000
1995 Summary:
We will arrive at Fort Resolution on or about mid June and re-establish our base camp on Steamboat channel. For each day we are on the delta will be taking samples of sediment from the marshes of the outer delta area with a coring device. At the base camp we will take the core of sediment and section it into 2cm thick sections which will be air dried and shipped south for analysis....
Principal Investigator:Perks, Matthew Licensed Year(s):1996
The researchers will achieve detailed mapping of granite- metasediment contacts by relying on detailed documentation of mineral asseblages, textures, metamorphic grade, and relative timing of the meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks in the MacNaughton Lake area. Isotope U-Pb studies of granite and metasediment minerals will be used to constrain the absolute timing of intrusion and metamorphism....
Principal Investigator:Pearce, Cheryl M. Licensed Year(s):
199219911990 Summary:
The researcher will continue her long-term study on the physical features of the Mackenzie Delta. Hydrocarbon development, water volume and course changes, and climate change could have major effects on the water and sedimentation patterns of the delta. This study will increase knowledge of sedimentation patterns, shoreline erosion and their relationships with vegetation....
Principal Investigator:Blasco, Steve M Licensed Year(s):
The amphibious vehicle will be mounted with an echosounder, sidescan sonar, subbottom and seismic profiling equipment to run a test survey along the coast of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. The CCGS NAHIDIK will tow a sidescan sonar system over the seafloor to rerun track lines surveyed in previous years to allow for the detection and measurement of the characteristics of new scours on the seafloor of ...