Principal Investigator:Lake, Tasha Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5752.
This evaluation builds on the work of Dr. Skinner’s team. The objectives of this evaluation are: 1) to explore potential for market improvement, 2) to understand the social impacts of the market, and 3) to examine what value the market brings to the community.
This research is community-based, participatory and a...
Principal Investigator:Winter, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5281.
The key objective of the Community Engagement Program is to hear about and document resident and community perspectives on local and regional socioeconomic priorities, concerns, and goals in the context of existing, planned, and potential infrastructure development in the territory. This will provide decision makers a...
Principal Investigator:Dares, Matthew J Licensed Year(s):
201720162015201520142013 Summary:
The objective of this wind monitoring proposal is to continue to measure the wind energy potential at the Inuvik High Point (approximately 6 km northeast of the Inuvik airport). This is part of an alternative energy study for the Inuvik area. Two full years of wind measurements and an economic analysis will be necessary to confirm the wind energy potential at the Inuvik High Point site. The study ...
Principal Investigator:Trimble, Annika EV Licensed Year(s):
20132012 Summary:
The objective of this wind monitoring proposal is to measure the wind energy potential at Storm Hills for two years, as part of an alternative energy study for the Inuvik area. Wind data will be collected using an existing infrastructure (New North Networks tower) at the site.
Two full years of wind measurements and an economic analysis will be necessary to confirm this prediction and the viab...
Principal Investigator:Turner, Elizabeth C Licensed Year(s):
2012 Summary:
This is a Masters of Science research project aimed at understanding the geological evolution of a deep-marine environment that existed in the northern Mackenzie Mountains between 500 and 450 million years ago.
The project team will establish small 2-3 person camps on or near a mountainside where we already know, based on previous work, that the rocks they are interested in will be exposed. Eac...
Principal Investigator:Seccombe-Hett, Pippa Licensed Year(s):
The main activities in this program are: 1) forming a project steering committee involving industry, aboriginal groups and government; 2) identifying plant species suitable for revegetation; 3) developing practices for commercial production; and 4) identifying employment opportunities.
Seed collection will be carried out in late August through to mid-September. Sites will be accessed by boat an...
Principal Investigator:Martel, Edith Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be transported from Yellowknife by aircraft, and will travel by small boat in the field. Samples (fist-sized chunks of rock) will be collected with a hammer, and returned to the laboratory for detailed physical and chemical analysis. Field camps will be low impact, and will be occupied by only 2 persons at a time. All human waste will be buried, all non-burnable garbage w...
Principal Investigator:Boxall, Peter Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
The distribution and abundance of some potential non-timber forest products (berries) will be assessed based on the results of community interviews and field studies. The number of berries in various forest stands in the Gwich'in Settlement Area will be quantified. No berries will be picked. Berries will be quantified by counting by hand. Sites for berry counting will be accessed by boat or road....
Principal Investigator:Copland, Ian Licensed Year(s):
Kelp resource assessment work will involve sampling/surveying to determine the relative distribution and abundance of kelp within the Whale Cove area. Additional sampling/surveying will be conducted during the West Hudson Bay test Fishery under supervision of the Dept. of Economic Development and Tourism. Experimentation with kelp farming and various processing techniques such as air drying, wil...
Principal Investigator:Copland, Elizabeth Licensed Year(s):
Samples of plants will be collected by local residents and identified, some of which may have to be sent away for identification. Elders will be used as resource people to determine possible traditional uses of the plants. The researcher will also experiment with the various land plants to develop appropriate products. If a suitable product can be developed then each plant will be analyzed for ...