Principal Investigator:Norwich, Ed Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
The researchers will complete their assessment of different health care systems in order to determine the most cost-effective, flexible and appropriate system for the Inuvik region. The primary goal of this study is to compare costs associated with delivery health care through the `community-based nurse' model and the `medical' model. By collecting information from Dept. of Health sources, this ...
Principal Investigator:Webster, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will collect data from public sources of literature on the development and impacts of social administration on residents of the NWT. This data will be used towards the development of a research topic for the researcher's Ph.D. degree. Agencies that the researcher wishes to approach for literature include the GNWT Department of Social Services, and libraries of the Court House, Den...
Principal Investigator:Coyne, Kathleen Licensed Year(s):
The overall purpose of the study is to compile the data required to make informed decisions with respect to the hiring of a mental health specialist for the South Slave Region and to design a co-ordinated strategy for improved mental health services. The study is conducted on behalf of a group of social services agencies and is guided by a steering committee that includes representatives from the...
Principal Investigator:Ryan, Joan Licensed Year(s):1993
No baseline information has been systematically collected for the Dene about traditional use of plants and animal parts used for healing. There are still Dogrib elders who hold and use this information and the Dene are eager to have this knowledge documented so that they can continue to teach it to young people....
Principal Investigator:Griffiths, Curt Licensed Year(s):1993
1990 Summary:
The Researchers will continue to examine the patterns of crime and the delivery of justice services to Inuit communities in the Baffin Region. The major objective for 1991 will be the completion of extensive interviews with a wide range of individuals involved in the delivery of justice and social services in the N.W.T. generally, and in the Baffin Region specifically....