Crime, law and justice among Inuit in the Baffin Region, Northwest Territories, Canada

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: program development, social sciences, social services, justice, crime prevention

Principal Investigator: Griffiths, Curt (3)
Licence Number: 12536
Organization: Simon Fraser University
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1991 1990
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: J.C. Yerbury, W.G. Glackman, C. Singer

Objective(s): To complete this study, initiated in 1990, which has the following objectives: to determine the rates of crime and the patterns of criminality in the Baffin Region; to record the perceptions of Inuit political leaders and community residents as to the nature and extent of crime in communities; to record perceptions of the efficacy and relevance of current arrangements for justice delivery; to assess the potential for developing alternative, community-based programs and services that might better address the needs of crime victims, offenders and communities. Justice personnel will be interviewed during this data collection exercise.

Project Description: This study, started in 1990, is designed to examine the patterns of crime and the delivery of justice services to Inuit communities in the Baffin Region. The researchers will be completing their data collection during this field season. Justice personnel from Iqaluit and Yellowknife will be interviewed. In the spring of 1994, the researchers plan to re-visit the Baffin communities in order to present their research findings.