Principal Investigator:Janus, Magdalena Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
Annually collected Early Development Instrument (EDI) data provides information to guide decision-making, monitor trends and measure the impacts of changes to programs and services provided for children in the early years. The five domains of early childhood development measured by the EDI are predictive of school outcomes, including academic achievement, and so the data is also used by schools an...
Principal Investigator:Pickett, William Licensed Year(s):
20052002 Summary:
The study titled, Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), is a cross-national research project conducted by the Social Program Evaluation Group (SPEG) at Queen’s University in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO Europe) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The HBSC study aims to gain insight into, and increase understanding of, the health behaviours and attitud...
Principal Investigator:Holder, Joel M Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research inquiry will be to examine what success the Protected Areas Strategy (PAS) program has had in achieving its two main goals, identify any problem areas in implementation and recommend program modifications to improve the effectiveness of establishing new protected areas. The hope is that this research provides important feedback to land use planners responsible for e...
Principal Investigator:Zaozirny, Donna L. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to develop a framework for an Aboriginal Wellness program at Stanton Territorial Health Authority (STHA), involving key stakeholders in the investigation and development of the issue.
An oral history interview with Aboriginal Elders will be held, including all seven Council members. The interview will be held as an extension to other meetings being held in rega...
Principal Investigator:Edward, Christine Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the research are: 1) to provide First Nations with examples of sustainable initiatives and the processes and conditions that resulted in (or hindered) the initiatives; 2) to provide First Nations that have initiatives with an opportunit...
Principal Investigator:Ward, Angela Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to determine the policy and practice factors that account for the differences in adult literacy levels between Canada and Sweden. Literacy advocates are anxious to understand why Swedish adults have demonstrated literacy leve...
Principal Investigator:Tynes, Deborah Licensed Year(s):
The researchers method of data collection is to interview foster parents, social workers, supervisors, management, the Yellowknife Foster Famiily Association, and the Department of Health & Social Services. The sampling size will be approximately 20 part...
Principal Investigator:Hoey, Shawn Licensed Year(s):
The research team will recruit participants for the study from among the child protection workers employed by the Inuvik Regional Health and Social Services Board. Participants will be recruited only from communities with a population less than 1500. Participation in the study is voluntary, and all participants will sign a consent form. The study will employ semi-structured qualitative interview...
Principal Investigator:Tremblay, Rick Licensed Year(s):
A similar questionnaire given in 1982, 1987 and 1993 will be used for this tobacco use survey for 1998/99. The information obtained from the data will provide a snap shot of tobacco use by students between grades 4 and 12 for 1998/99. The data will be compared with previous studies to see if there was a change in the smoking habits of students. The data collected will help the Health Promotion s...
Principal Investigator:Sweeney, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
Data collection includes questionnaires to businesses, schools and law enforcement and medical personnel within the Town of Inuvik. The questions will focus on community organizations and agencies knowledge of solvent abuse in the community. Once the information is gathered, an evaluation of the knowledge of solvent abuse will show what the strengths and weaknesses are and will give recommendati...