48 record(s) found with the tag "bedrock" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Central Foreland NATMAP Project
Principal Investigator: Lane, Larry S
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001 2000
Summary: In 2002, the research team plans to complete bedrock and surficial mapping using helicopter-supported foot traverse. In the areas to be mapped at 1:50,000 scale, mapping will include helicopter setouts and pickups from bases of operation at Ft. Liard, an...

The Snare River Mapping Project: parts of NTS 850 and 85N
Principal Investigator: Jackson, Valerie A
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001 2000
Summary: Snare River project is in the Slave Structural Province of the Northwest Territories. Geological data on the area is sparse and poorly understood. This mapping project will define the structural, metamorphic, lithological and geochemical bedrock characteristics of area, providing an up-dated geological data base. As well, examination of the tectonometamorphic evolution of part of the area will ...

Geological Mapping in the Walmsley Lake Area: parts of NTS 75N
Principal Investigator: Cairn, Scott
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: A field camp will be flown out from Yellowknife in early June 2000. A tent camp will be established and researchers will made daily walks, noting the details of the rocks they are walking on. Notes will be recorded in a computer database. At times 1-5kg samples of rocks will be taken for further examination in a laboratory giving information on the composition of the rock, what has happened to ...

Structure and Stratifigraphy of the Indin Lake Greenstone Belt (detailed bedrock mapping)
Principal Investigator: Pehrsson, Sally J
Licensed Year(s): 1996 1995 1994
Summary: This will be the final summer of work for this phase of mapping in Indin Lake. The mapping data (including structural, petrological, geochemical &geochronological) will enable a detailed geological history of the project area to be constructed. This will include timing of major events, including volcanism, plutonism and sedimentation, and subsequent deformation. The results will be presented in...

Thematic structural geological bedrock mapping project
Principal Investigator: Bleeker, Wouter
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
Summary: The researchers will preform daily geological traverses by foot and by boat with occassional fixed wing support. Proposed products of this project includes geological compilation maps, a collection of geochemical, geochronological, petrological and structural rock samples and computerized data....

Preliminary Geology and Mineral Potential of the Kaminak Lake Area.
Principal Investigator: Irwin, Doug
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993
Summary: In this research, the Rankin-Ennadai Greenstone Belt located near Kaminak Lake will be mapped by examining and collecting rocks of the area. The information collected on this survey will be transferred onto a map. Rock types and mineral showings will be plotted on the map and related to geological features of the area....

Regional Bedrock Mapping of the Winter Lake - Lac de Gras Area.
Principal Investigator: Thompson, Peter H.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992
Summary: This is the concluding summer of a regional scale bedrock mapping project, with associated geochronology sampling. The researcher will accomplish this by boat, foot and occasional fixed wing and periodic helicopter support. All the data will be digitally entered for computer map compilation and generation....

Reconnaissance U-Pb geochronology, Southern Baffin Island
Principal Investigator: Scott, David J.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993
Summary: The bedrock geology of this area preserves a record of geological processes which occurred over 2 billion years ago, a collision of the continental margin (including Lake Harbour rocks) with another continental block and this resulted in a mountain belt. The eroded ancient mountain belt (the Lake Harbour rock) will be examined to determine the age of the rock to better understand the continental m...

Regional Bedrock Mapping Studies In the District of Keewatin
Principal Investigator: Tella, S.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992
Summary: Bedrock mapping will take place through daily foot traverses Bedrock geological information will be collected to produce geological maps. This will be done in order to assess the economic potential of the region....

Detailed Bedrock Mapping, North East Quadrant of the Lac de Gras Sheet
Principal Investigator: Kjarsgaard, Bruce
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992
Summary: This will be the final field season of this bedrock mapping project, which is being done to update geological knowledge in the Lac de Gras area (which was last mapped in the 1940s). Detailed mapping, geochemical and geochronologcical studies will be used to help understand the geological evolution of this area. Mapping will be accomplished by foot and boat traverse with fixed and rotany wing sup...