Geological Mapping in the Walmsley Lake Area: parts of NTS 75N

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: geology, geochemistry, bedrock, lithology, metamorphic survey

Principal Investigator: Cairn, Scott (1)
Licence Number: 13094
Organization: DIAND
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Issued: Mar 17, 2000
Project Team: Kate Maclachlan, Jim Renaud, Caroyln Relf

Objective(s): Geological data on the Walmsley Lake area is sparse, poorly understood and no modern geoscience data-sets are available. Fieldwork commencing mid June will allow for structural, metamorphic, lithological and geochemical bedrock mapping. Using structura

Project Description: A field camp will be flown out from Yellowknife in early June 2000. A tent camp will be established and researchers will made daily walks, noting the details of the rocks they are walking on. Notes will be recorded in a computer database. At times 1-5kg samples of rocks will be taken for further examination in a laboratory giving information on the composition of the rock, what has happened to the rock since it was formed and how old the rock is. Once all the ground within walking distance of the camp is covered the team will move to a new camp and begin the process again. Once the conditions are right boats will be used to transport the team from lake to lake. Food and supplies will be brought to the camp every couple of weeks by a small float plane. The camp and crew will be brought out of the site by plane at the end of August.