Principal Investigator:Suluk, Thomas Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will conduct household surveys using a questionnaire that has been prepared by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The Arviat HTA will oversee and review information and methods used for the study. A public relations campaign will include a poster contest in the schools and discussions of issues through local radio programs and CB network. The posters will provide informatio...
Principal Investigator:Wilson, Chris C. Licensed Year(s):
199219911990 Summary:
The researcher will be collecting lake trout and/or arctic charr from lakes in the vicinities of Hay River, Inuvik, Paulatuk and Tuktoyaktuk in order to examine the distributions of these species. Samples of liver and muscle tissue will be collected from these fish for genetic analyses: this research will provide information about how different populations are related to each other (i.e., their o...
Principal Investigator:Bell, Bob Licensed Year(s):
This project was initiated following the concern voiced by the six ISR communities about the presence and levels of contaminants in the major country food sources. Samples of body tissues will be taken from charr, whitefish, seals and belugas in order to assess for heavy metal, organochlorine and PCB contaminants. These samples will be taken while other field research is being conducted by Fishe...
Principal Investigator:Stabler, Matt Licensed Year(s):
Anadromous arctic charr, currently viewed of as the eastern form, are known to spawn and overwinter in the DeSalis River system. Residents of Sachs Harbour have expressed an interest in harvesting arctic charr from this system for consumption and commercial purposes. Two resident monitors will sample the subsistence catch of this stock in order to estimate stock size and age. Whole fish will be ...
Principal Investigator:Stabler, Matt Licensed Year(s):
Dolly varden charr that use the Babbage, Firth, Big Fish and Rat Rivers spend the summer months in the estuary off of the Yukon North Slope. It is not yet known to what extent charr from each of these rivers mix while they are together during the summer. The researchers will be at King Point during the course of other duties and will catch and radio tag ten charr in order to monitor the fish's m...
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
HTC members have counted, measured and sampled all fish that were caught in the domestic fishery located at the mouth of the Hornaday River for the past several years. This season represents the fourth year of the monitoring program. HTC members will collect information on arctic charr that are caught by the fishery....
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
This project will involve tagging charr and monitoring their movements. The fish will be tagged at the overwintering site in spring, before they start to migrate downstream. The fish with radio tags will be tracked every 4-6 weeks throughout the spring, summer and fall. Fish caught by the summer fishery at Shingle Point and having floy tags will be recorded. 100 charr each (mostly females) wil...
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
In 1992, most charr fishing by Aklavik residents took place at Shingle Point and the town site in Aklavik (similar to fishing during the 1987-1991 closure). In this first year of the monitoring program, information will be collected on the total number of charr caught, harvest locations and characteristics of tagged fish....
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
A full-span conduit weir will be used to estimate the strength (i.e., numbers) of the upstream run of arctic charr at the Kuujjua River. Fish passing through the weir will be counted and measured, and a subset of these fish will be tagged and sampled....
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
In response to concerns expressed by the Holman HTC regarding the size of arctic charr caught in the subsistence fishery at the Kuujjua River, a sampling/harvest monitoring program was initiated. In 1992, the sampling program will be repeated by the community and an initial sampling of Kuuk Lake charr will be conducted....