Principal Investigator:Borsy, Emily Jane E Licensed Year(s):2008
The objective of this research is to obtain primary information about the gravel situation in the ISR from a variety of industry perspectives. The researchers wish to fill in a gap in information linking supply and demand to community stress and vulnerability, obtaining this information through interviews with industry professionals.
The research will be conducted in two stages. The first sta...
Principal Investigator:Furgal, Christopher Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The objectives of this project are:
1. Assess the present and future adequacy of surveillance tools to support northern managers’ ability to identify and monitor acute and chronic diseases, exposures, and other health determinants related to climate change and economic development impacts.
2. Assess the applicability and use among northern managers of current risk management frameworks (RMF), wh...
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, Douglas G. Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
This project consists of conducting a series of workshops with community governments and residents on the topic of climate change, current and future impacts of climate change on municipal services, as well as possible measures that can be implemented to help communities adapt to climate change. The goal of the workshop is to document concerns, identify areas for further research, and determine po...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The project is being conducted by Lutra Associates Ltd. for the Arctic Energy Alliance. To provide a proper context for taking action on greenhouse gas emissions, the AEA wishes to ascertain information on the knowledge and attitudes amount youth in grades 5-12 about global warming and climate change. The Arctic Energy Alliance's survey of youth is designed to answer questions on climate change is...
Principal Investigator:Sprecher, Brent Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will visit Yellowknife to collect information on northern water management and climate change. Interviews will be conducted with interested researchers. In addition, the researcher will attend the Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS) annual meeting to discuss the administration and structure of this large research program with MBIS members. This study will examine the role that su...
Principal Investigator:Brotton, Janet Licensed Year(s):
The proposed research will investigate the implications of climatic change for fish and wildlife resources in the Mackenzie River Basin. A computer model will be used to predict temperature and precipitation changes associated with an expected doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations. Data points used in the modelling exercise will correspond to selected weather stations in the region. The res...
Principal Investigator:Cohen, Stewart Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study will assess the potential impacts of global climatic change on the region. The component on land assessment will determine possible changes in land capability. Information on resource management goals is needed so that the study can can assess whether changes in land capability might lead to conflicts over land use....
Principal Investigator:Hart, Elisa J. Licensed Year(s):199519941993
1991 Summary:
The researcher and her team will document the early history of the reindeer herding industry, conduct interviews with elders to obtain information on the location and nature of traditionally used places and gain insights into aspects of traditional technology that are of benefit to archaeological interpretation. As well, traditional knowledge of climate change will be examined through interviews ...
Principal Investigator:Jacoby, Gordon C. Licensed Year(s):1994
The object of this research is to reconstruct past climate in order to understand how the climate system works, and what past natural variations may be expected based upon this information. This project is to sample old-aged trees and to assemble enough coverage to reconstruct regional and Hemispheric temperatures for the most recent centuries....
Principal Investigator:MacDonald, Glen M Licensed Year(s):
To collect surface samples from small lakes to reconstruct the response of plant populations in the treeline zone to climatic change....