Principal Investigator:Hodgkins, Andrew P Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to learn how industry and industrial development in the Northwest Territories is affecting course offerings at Aurora College. Some of the questions to be answered include: Has program expansion been evenly distributed or focused in just one area? Has the college received subsidies and support by private industry to develop programs? If so, how has this impacted other...
Principal Investigator:Stockton, Pam Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
This is the second year of a study that the researcher expects will help to explain how new graduate nurses begin to practice in the NWT. The researcher is about halfway through interviewing a total of 10 to 15 currently-practicing graduates of the Nor...
Principal Investigator:Huxtable, Lynn Licensed Year(s):20212013
This project is a follow-up to a similar project that was done across Canada in 2001, and to the focus groups that were done in November 2003. The researchers want to find out what is changing in the ways that young people use the Internet. Issues they...
Principal Investigator:Brown, Micaela Licensed Year(s):
The main rationale for this project is to contribute to the ongoing development of Network North, a health and research information-sharing network being formed by both institutional and northern community partners. Within this larger framework, this res...
Principal Investigator:Bronson, Jackie Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the scope of health within Environmental Assessment (EA), and to assess the state of EA practice with regard to the incorporation of human health impacts within Canada's northern natural resource sector. The re...
Principal Investigator:Fitzpatrick, Patricia Licensed Year(s):
This research explores the relationship among learning, public involvement in environmental assessment (EA) and sustainable development. The central research question is: Can organizational learning take place through participation in EA? A case study of...
Principal Investigator:Saxon, Leslie A. Licensed Year(s):2005
2003 Summary:
This research on stories of Dogrib travel and language will result in a book/CD for Dogrib community members. Dogrib elders and others will be interviewed in the research process, and community language workers will be trained. The language research will...
Principal Investigator:Christensen, Julia B Licensed Year(s):
This graduate research focuses on the application of Traditional Knowledge in environmental impact assessment in the NWT, with a specific focus on the Mackenzie Valley, and will identify the ways in which this application is linked to political, social,...
Principal Investigator:Galbraith, Lindsay Licensed Year(s):
This research is concerned with increasingly fractious relations between mining firms and local communities in Canada's hinterlands, and the systems of governance that aim to mediate these relations. More specifically, this research seeks to understand t...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
Aboriginal people make up half of the total NWT population but are underrepresented in segments of the voluntary sector. The NWT Literacy Council, the YWCA of Yellowknife, and the Native Women's Association of the NWT want to gain an understanding of Abo...