Principal Investigator:Pickart, Robert S. Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5231.
The main objective is to characterize the western Arctic Boundary current, which flows at the edge of the shelf, in order to understand its role in dictating shelf-basin exchange of water and materials and how it impacts the ecosystem of the region, including the occurrence of marine mammals.
This project is a coll...
Principal Investigator:Insley, Stephen J Licensed Year(s):
2021202020192018 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5109.
The main objective is to assess and mitigate the impacts of increased shipping and sea-ice loss on marine mammals in the eastern Beaufort Sea. The primary methodology is passive acoustic monitoring at the western entrances to the Northwest Passage shipping route, particularly the Amundsen Gulf and Banks Island area.
Principal Investigator:Pickart, Robert S. Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4747.
The main objective is to characterize the western Arctic Boundary current, which flows at the edge of the shelf, in order to understand its role in dictating shelf-basin exchange of water and materials and how it impacts the ecosystem of the region, including the occurrence of marine mammals.
This project is a coll...
Principal Investigator:Insley, Stephen J Licensed Year(s):20172016
2014 Summary:
The main objective of the current study is to assess the impacts of increased shipping and sea-ice loss on marine mammals in the eastern Beaufort Sea. The primary methodology is passive acoustic monitoring at the western entrance to the Northwest Passage shipping route, particularly the Amundsen Gulf and Banks Island area.
To accomplish the objectives, the research team has designed a program t...
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
Members of each of the communities will be hired to sample and measure the ringed seals taken in the spring and summer harvests. These monitors will be trained prior to the field season in order to collect data on the size and location of the harvests, as well as measurements on the seals harvested including sexual maturity, health, and condition. Samples of tissue taken will include jaws, lungs...
Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):1993
The research will test playback as a method of studying responses of beluga whales to underwater vessel noise....
Principal Investigator:Cosens, Susan Licensed Year(s):1993
19911990 Summary:
In Sachs Harbour, the researchers will continue to study whether underwater shipping noise interferes with beluga communication. They will record whale calls and measure their source decibel levels in relation to normal background noise and underwater vessel noise. ship noise....